Story about Jupiter and metamorphosis - anyone know it


May 6, 2008
Hi all,

First post here. Several (many?) years ago I read a story about some explorers/astronauts who landed on Jupiter. It was in an anthology of various authors.

From memory there was something in the atmosphere or whatever that meant that eventually those who spent the longer periods outside changed into Jovian beings. I think they were some kind of "hoppers", something like kangaroos but that is only vague.

From that brilliantly vague description does anyone have any idea of the story name and what anthology it may have appeared in?

Thanks for any help anyone can give.
A shot in the dark - but could the story be Poul Anderson Call Me Joe - no kangaroos, instead there are kentaurs - and the colonization isn't direct but via proxy - the story collection could be Jupiter (by Carol and Frederik Pohl) and contains also other Jupiter connected stories like Simak Desertion etc.
Thanks Taltos. I've found a copy of Jupiter so I'll get it and see what happens.

Cheers mate.
Hi again,

Sorry that's not the story, nor are any of the other stories in the book the one I am thinking of. Guess I'll keep on looking.

Thanks anyway.
Sounds like Clifford Simak's City.

It's only part of the book, which is linked stories, but definitely something along the lines of Jovian 'hoppers,' and people choosing to become them.
Sounds like Clifford Simak's City.

It's only part of the book, which is linked stories, but definitely something along the lines of Jovian 'hoppers,' and people choosing to become them.

My next guess would have been Simak Desertion as well - but as aussie3 wrote none of the Jupiter collection stories applied and Desertion was among them. So I have no clue what story it could be. Sorry.
