For W40k, I've heard that eisenhorn, the horus heresy series, and Gaunt's Ghosts are good. I think I'll probably read those three series and then if I like them continue or just stop there as I expect I probably will. I usually prefer fantasy over scifi anyways. After hearing all of this criticism for WoT and ASoIaF, is there actually anything that would really compel me to read them right now? All I hear is negatives, it's so weird. For WoT, the first thing I hear is Robert Jordan dying and the 7-10'th books sucking like hell. For ASoIaF, I hear huge amounts of time between books and George R. R. Martin continuously pushing back release dates (like a lot of video games these days). Is there anything good!?! Right now, I am leaning towards ASoIaF and am developing what is becoming an aversion to WoT, except ASoIaF is not even finished and won't be for a while. Should I even read them during this year? I think I'll wait until 2009 and see how the last WoT book is received by its audiences and see if George R. R. Martin will actually release A Dance With Dragons.