Dragon Heart ~ fantasy story excerpt

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
This is something I started playing around with.....no idea where it's going yet :confused:. Much like most things I write.

Ilisabet could hear from the shouts and cheers in the courtyard that the Company had returned. She picked her tunic up from the chair and shrugged into it and then combed her fingers through her short hair. There was a mirror hanging above a chest of drawers on the far wall but she didn’t bother glancing into it. She knew what she would see. She left her room and made her way down the stairs and through the main hall, catching an orderly on her way and arranging for a tub of hot water to be taken to the bedroom. People bustled to and fro across the tiled floor. There would be a banquet tonight to celebrate the safe return of The Wolf’s, not that Ilisabet had had any qualms about this particular commission. The bandits of Tulios were overrated when compared to some of the things she had faced. Or with the things she still had to face…
Outside the doors, the late autumn sun shone fitfully in an overcast sky. There would be rain later, or so her aching bones told her. Between her breasts, the stone that she wore on a golden chain, was beginning to gather heat. It knew that he was near.
“Briy!” A boy ran past her, all legs and arms. The girl on the sorrel gelding grinned and waved to him.
“Jhasin!” She slid from her horse and hugged the boy to her. They were almost of a height with the same pale brown hair and dusky skin. Ilisabet pulled her eyes away from them. A surge of heat shot through the stone and she saw him. He gave her a slow smile as he dismounted, throwing his reins to a waiting groom and the fire in the stone spread through her bones.
Mine, she thought despairingly as the heat ebbed to a dull throb where the stone made contact with her skin. As he crossed the courtyard she saw that his eyes were trained on that place where the stone would lie were it not hidden beneath her clothing and the hunger in them terrified her.
“Raul,” she said. It was as much warning as greeting and he raised his eyes to meet hers.
“My Lady.” He saluted her, his fist thumping against his shoulder, then dropped his hand and took hers between his fingers, bending low to drop a kiss against her knuckles.
“It went well?” Ilisabet reclaimed her hand, pleased to see that it did not shake.
“Did you doubt it would?” he said lightly. He had a raspy voice, soft and deep and strangely beautiful. As all of him was beautiful.
She couldn’t help herself. Had to lift a hand and touch the side of his face in a fleeting caress. His mouth twitched in a brief smile. “To doubt would have been foolish, would it not?”
“You are never foolish, my Lady.”
How she wished she could believe that.
“I’ve had a bath drawn for you,” she said, turning back towards the hall. Raul fell into step beside her. The stone dangled between her breasts, imparting little licks of heat as it swung from side to side. They didn’t speak as he followed her up the stairs to the room they shared on the top floor. Ilisabet closed the door behind her.
A copper tub had been placed before the fire and the room was pleasantly warm. Raul sat on the end of the bed and bent down to pull off his boots. She watched as he undressed, revealing the body she knew as well as her own. Long and lean, the muscled shoulders and arms, the flat belly. His chest with its mat of dark hair. A puckered scar, as big across as her fist, marred the pale skin above his heart. Numerous thin, pale lines snaked outwards from it giving it the appearance of a many legged spider. The stone burned and again she caught his eyes upon her. The runes tattooed on his skin, across his chest and belly, along his arms and down his legs, began to move beneath his skin, in dark swirling patterns. Ebbing and flowing in time with the stone that beat against her chest.
He kneeled beside the tub, idly stirring the water with one hand whilst his dark blue eyes continued to watch her. A faint smile traced his lips.
“You should get in before it turns cold,” she said.
His smile widened and she felt herself flush. Never foolish? Indeed. Raul dropped his eyes to the water and Ilisabet’s gaze followed. Beneath his fingers the water began to bubble and steam rose from the surface. She could feel the heat of it against her face. Raul continued to stroke his hand through the water until the entire surface was seething and the room filled with a hot, wet mist.
“That’s better.” With a sigh of pleasure Raul stood and stepped into the tub of boiling water, sinking down until it lapped at his neck. Ilisabet moved behind him and careful not to touch the tub, which she knew from past experience would be blisteringly hot, she leaned down and untied his queue, running her fingers through the black silk of his hair. It fell down around his shoulders, the ends curling where they touched the water. He sighed again and closed his eyes. Ilisabet sat on the bed and watched him as he luxuriated in the hot water. For perhaps half an hour neither of them spoke. Eventually, Raul opened his eyes, stretching. Water sloshed over the edge of the tub onto the floor.
“You could join me if you like. It’s cool enough now.”
Ilisabet took off her boots. Removed her tunic, then her breeches. Clad only in her shirt, which reached halfway to her knees and with the stone still hidden, she moved towards him. The hand gripping the edge of the tub was white knuckled and she saw him swallow convulsively. One button at a time she undid her shirt and slipped it off. Between her breasts the stone shone like blue fire, the same colour as his eyes. And it was only at the stone that he looked, his hunger for it like a wildfire out of control. He surged to his feet, sending more water across the floor.
“Ilisabet,” he moaned, reaching for her. She could scarce look at him for the fire and the hunger in his eyes and the wildly swirling patterns of the runes across his skin.
“What do you want?” she said, her voice made harsh with despair and anger.
“What I’ve always wanted,” Raul whispered. “You.”
“Liar!” Ilisabet’s hand snaked out and cracked him across the cheek. His head rocked sideways with the force of the blow. “If I hung this thing around a dog’s neck, you’d **** the dog just as happily as you **** me.” She could feel tears running down her face. The imprint of her hand was stark against Raul’s pale face. He didn’t say a word as he stepped out of the tub and moved towards her. Lifting her in his arms he carried her to the bed and placed her upon it, covering her with his body. His mouth found hers. Between their bodies the stone pulsed, sending shafts of liquid fire throughout Ilisabet’s body. Raul moaned against her lips. He was fire in her arms and as he entered her she thought that he might well burn her alive….

It was only later as he slept beside her, one hand curled around the stone, his face burrowed into her shoulder that Ilisabet thought about what she had said earlier. If I hung this thing around a dog’s neck, you’d **** the dog just as happily as you **** me…..She felt tears begin anew.
He hadn’t denied it….
Sounds good just one note...

Mine, she thought despairingly as the heat ebbed to a dull throb where the stone made contact with her skin.
When I saw that I thought of Smeagol/Gollem off Lord of the Rings.

Off that though,

Was a good read and sounds like a medieval based book so far.

I know I might sound cliché by now but if I can finish reading something than I like it and want to read more. And if it appears I that I say to everyone that it is good that is not true. I read quite a bit in this forum and have probably only liked 1/4 of what i've read (no offense to others, but then again I don't read everything so it might not be yours i'm talking about),

But once you get one book you like to write, try not to keep thinking of other ideas. I remember I couldn't write mine for like two weeks because I kept thinking of another book. I actually stopped writing it at the beginning of the two weeks because I realized I had written like five pages on the idea that was in my head.

I don't suppose you read that all but anyway.



p.s I cut out a part that I got you mixed up with someone else. I still might have done so but BLEH
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Very well written.

I love how you expressed Raul's character through his actions. I knew he was a selfish prick before you prove that he cares far more for the main character's pendant than her wealth. He makes the water too hot for her, despite knowing she would be with him the whole time. Then, only once it's convenient for him, can she come in.

The only thing I can pick on is, occasionally, you lapse into the present tense.

Between her breasts, the stone that she wore on a golden chain, was beginning to gather heat.

I would probably say: "The stone she wore on a golden chain between her breasts began to gather heat."

Good read, thanks!
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