A question Re: A random challenge

Jayaprakash Satyamurthy

Knivesout no more
Nov 11, 2003
Bangalore, India
First of all, I'm totally thrilled with the varied and rather kickass repsonses my little challenge has received so far - and do keep 'em rolling in.

Now, my question: seeing the variety of tales that people have rattled off upon looking at Vermeer's excellent painting, I felt that it would be cool to compile these together in a webpage - a page chronicling the creative responses of diverse individuals to a common visual cue. It's something I'd probably ask my pixel-wizrard bud Prem (http://www.100hands.net/) to help with.

It would be completely unpaid project I'm afraid - I am in no position to offer anyone any money - but copyright could easily be ascribed where it is due via Creative Commons licenses. And the end result could be something we could be proud of.

So, would you be interested? If so, I'd need your real name, or any name you want you piece to appear under, and of course you get the chance to revise your piece one last time.

Let me know. There's no hurry at all.
Yeah for me, absolutely. The piece was literally an improv thrown together as soon as I saw the thread. BTW - I like the idea of stories inspired by a simple undefined visual.
The 500 word count was short enough that you don't have to expend a tonne of brainergy into it.
Looking forward to the next one.
Thanks a lot! Your name would be Chris Cox, right? :D

Silk and Poymporphikos have also kindly agreed to this scheme, as have a couple of friends who responded to the challenge through my blog. Prem and I are pretty excited about this - we haven't done anything together since the criminalenglish project (www.criminalenglish.100hands.net) and this looks like great fun.
lol yup, that would be about right :)

I love the criminal english website; that's really well built, it looks awesome. I'm going to bookmark that and read your work.

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