When the publishers don't want it?

You can always just post it yourself on your blog or website (that's what I do). There are web rings that link together sites on a particular topic, just search for writing web rings. There are also self-publishers that will print on demand copies of your book for you.
You can also set up your own website (other than a blog) which would give you more control over the domain name, so it's the name of your book. You can pay people to do this for you, or you can do it yourself using something like Dreamweaver.
The problem might be having to pay for the domain; maybe some free provider like geocities might work for you, depends if you want to get it online for your friends of for many people; geocities if it still exists as a host for web pages, will not be very visited by random people, where as a blog that is mentioned in various other sources might be more useful in that aspect.

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