[Dresden] "Turn Coat" - due out April 2009

I, OTOH, have zero scruples with regard to spoilers. Read the first chapter. LIKED IT!

Harry's headaches are something that we will hopefully get a handle on in the rest of this book. His helping Morgan is so Harry.

Hmmm. Spoiler tags do not work here. Why?
*is not a man* Just for clarification.

And it's not 'spoilers' since it's the actual first chapter of the book. =) If you read them, you just get to be 'ahead' when you get the actual book!

The 'spoiler tag' works... it's just different than it is in some places. It changes the font color rather than adding a background that matches the text.
*is an enabler*

Why wait? It's RIGHT THERE! Free for the taking. You won't hurt anyone if you read it!


Not really pushing... just having fun. There's no law that says you have to read it before the book releases. =)
The spoiler tags that I have used on other sites actually hide the text and provide a "Hide" button so that a person can view it. That board was a v-bulletin type board. My [spoilr] [/spoilr] codes, deliberately misspelled here, only hid the entire text. I have seen that [quot] [/quot] tags do work as advertized. These were again deliberately misspelled so they could be seen. :confused:

If it is OK to take quotes or scenes from the chapters in plain, then I am cool with that. Others get panicky with the idea of spoilers. I will make no such moves without permsission, of course.

I think that even in the first chapter there are some very interesting things for discussion here. :)
I know there's another piece of code that can be tied to the spoiler tag, I'm just not sure what it is and Brian has to put it in. If I can find it, I'll send it to him. =)

And this is the Turn Coat thread, so anything in there is fair game to be a potential spoiler.

Though, when we get to reading the book, spoiler tags might be appreciated by those who might read a little slower. XD
To the enabler:

Item 3,456,567,893,113 of paragraph 345,579,811,243,112 of criminal code 3,999,331 of the Univeral Wizards Enumeration de Codification ni Analitica (commonly know as Uweca (pron 'Wheka)) clearly states;

"Thou shalt not, nor presume to cogitate upon the mental digestion of any manuscript afore the allotted release ..." (there is more, but I don't want to bore you) :D.

And spoiler tags are great, for those of us that follow the Uweca... :cool:, though I am may be losing the fight to temptation :eek:.
Yes, but, as an enabler, I have my own code to follow, which supersedes your code. However, I am not allowed to reveal it's verbiage, except on pain of death. XD
Well... see, I might be ok with those terms.. it just depends on whose death we are speaking of? :cool:

Now, see, I can't tell you that, or I'd have to kill you. XD

Back on topic.... Turn Coat - about a month away! woot!
AHHHHHHHH!!!! I broke! . . . yes, I admit it I, I went to the site and read the chapters there...

See, see what pressure you put on me? I couldn't resist your arguement that your code was better than mine because it was so secret. :cool:

So... does that mean I too have become an enabler? :eek:
You're only an enabler if you get other ppl to do it.

Right now, you just cave. =)

But it's good caving, really! it was READING! and reading is always good!
AH-HA *points at Ice Fyre*

*smiling friendly-like*

"do you need the website address, my friend? Just let me know. You should go give it a read." :D
Sadly, I have to admit... I'm not gonna be able to reread this year before the new one. :eek:

But I have a good memory of what I read so should be ok.

Been reading the first chapters on Jim's website and and I am thinking I like just getting the whole book better. Teasers are nice, but, mmm, I don't know how to explain it. :rolleyes:

Definetely looking forward to the book though!!! Have to go pre-order mine.
I don't recall Harry actually getting his hat, but he keeps threatening to get one. He says it will go eith the cowboy boots and the duster. Maybe he picked one up between volumes somewhere...Chris has put it the covers since he started doing them.:)
Chris McGrath put the hat on the art work b/c he was given incorrect information by the publisher. (Or so he says *g*) He said he was told that Harry wore a hat. Obviously, whomever it was who told him that, never read the books.

I don't *dis*like the hat... but it was a surprise to see it when the first of the new covers came out.

If you check Chris' site though, he's got a couple pieces of Harry w/o the hat. =)

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