Ancient tree 'one of UK's best'


The Wicked Sword Maiden
Jun 14, 2005
[FONT=&quot]An ancient Perthshire yew has made the top 10 in a list of the most important trees in the UK.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Local legend has it that Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who oversaw the crucifixion of Jesus, was born in its shade and played there as a child. [/FONT][FONT=&quot]The Fortingall Yew, which grows at a churchyard near Aberfeldy, could be up to 5,000 years old and is thought to be the oldest living organism in Europe.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]It is heading a list of 22,000 trees being compiled by the Woodland Trust. [/FONT]

It’s always good to hear stories like this. That’s a very old tree indeed and may it last a lot longer! :)
Local legend has it that Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who oversaw the crucifixion of Jesus, was born in its shade and played there as a child.
That Continental Drift has a lot to answer for!

More seriously, there are some very old trees in Britain. I've seen this one myself:
The Capon Tree Jed Forest, Jedburgh- Images By John Peters

They have seen and experienced more than any other living thing on the planet.
Yes, the most cursory glance at history shows the Pilate story to be pure, unadulterated bulls*t, but that doesn't stop the credible swallowing it, or queueing up to see the bed where MacBeth killed Duncan.:mad:
I love to read stories like this. To think that some of these venerable old trees have stood firm whilst history flowed around them. Hopefully it'll be standing firm for a good while yet.
I can't believe that in my short existance that this is the first time I've heard this rumour regarding good old PP.

If it's true then surely this gives a bright new interpretation of Jeruselem (song) and it's adoption as the national anthem should be automatic.
[FONT=&quot]Local legend has it that Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who oversaw the crucifixion of Jesus, was born in its shade and played there as a child.[/FONT]

Can we at least hope that there isn't a sign on its trunk claiming that it's the bole in which Pilate washed his hands? :rolleyes:

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