I'm trying to find a book about a guy named Reed Novak. He was a soldier, severely wounded in battle. His friend the great doctor rebuilt him, using silicon based components instead of carbon. Reed stumbles upon a portal in the good doctor's lab, and goes through it, finding himself in another universe, where the locals are being stalked by an alien energy creature. His silicon implants were put in specifically because the good doctor figured the creature couldn't handle silicon-based life. Reed battles the creature and wins.
I found a reference to this book at
http colon slash slash www dot transformationlist dot com slash transbooksunknown dot html
If anyone knows any more details, would you please pass them on?
Thanks very much!
Matt Gessner
I'm trying to find a book about a guy named Reed Novak. He was a soldier, severely wounded in battle. His friend the great doctor rebuilt him, using silicon based components instead of carbon. Reed stumbles upon a portal in the good doctor's lab, and goes through it, finding himself in another universe, where the locals are being stalked by an alien energy creature. His silicon implants were put in specifically because the good doctor figured the creature couldn't handle silicon-based life. Reed battles the creature and wins.
I found a reference to this book at
http colon slash slash www dot transformationlist dot com slash transbooksunknown dot html
If anyone knows any more details, would you please pass them on?
Thanks very much!
Matt Gessner