

Jul 31, 2008
has anyone been reading it?
it by mark miller and john romita jr
its set in a world where there are no superheros till david lizewski a teenaged joeshmow comicbook fan comes along and sparks off a spree of costumed vigilantys its only up to #3 so far but its looking great
think early spiderman with out the superpowers

jump abord while you have the chance
Yeah, I've been reading it, and it is superb, thematically linked to Millar's other works 1985 and Wanted.... I've mentioned it in the thread Perp's Comic Corner, but it is certainly good enough to warrent a thread of it's own!
i havent read any other stuff by millar waht do you think his best works are
Virtually anything he touches at the moment is stupendous.
Wanted is brilliant - it's nothing like the recent movie that was based on it, but it is very, very adult in execution.

1985 is being published by Marvel at the moment, it seems to be overshadowed by all the other stuff, and it is a lot more subtle... a young boy begins to see the Marvel characters appearing in the real world.

Then there is his mainstream work Ultimates Volume 1 & 2 for Marvel, with art by Bryan Hitch is virtually a lesson on how to do the perfect superhero book. The series are available in graphic novel form as back issues are just impossible or too expensive to get hold of.

His other current work is Fantastic Four (again with Bryan Hitch). The first four issue storyline was just above average for me, but the start of the second, left me going wow.. a superb jaw dropping tale.

What's best? Probably the Ultimate's but only by a cat's whisker!
thanks mate ill pop Ultimates Volume 1 & 2 and Wanted on the Graphic Novel to get list and see where we go from there
IMHO his best work is that uber cool run of his of Wolverine. Last time Wolverine was really cool to me. Agent of Shield and Enemy of State are his best work.

Ultimates was real good but i enjoy that part of his Wolverine run more.

PM: i read John Romita jr will be joining Wolverine to work with MM again, you know when that will happen ?

I have stopped reading Wolverine two years ago cause of lame authors like Guggenheim. I cant wait to read MM run.
Yep, I'm agree it's a really good comic, i love the liitle girl with the sword. Millar is on fire. hope he gets hired to write down the new superman flick.
i think he's writing that old logan wolverine run. and that book is sweet! really cool, if u haven't checked it out, give it a shot!
Yeah the Old Logan story in Wolverine is indeed Millar, and it has art by David Finch. The first part looked like a riff on the classic Clint Eastwood movie UNFORGIVEN, but it is rapidly growing into itself and well worth a read.
I've just recievedmy hardback edition of the collection and have to say it really was superb.

It took the idea what it would be to become a real life superhero and turned it into a fun and exciting book.

I'm really hoping there's more Kick-Ass to come and I'm looking forwards to the movie coming out a in a couple of months.

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