Who Built Tracy Island?


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
This was the only thread I remember creating since coming back from holiday. So, it is the only thread lost in the crash that I can recall. It still existed in the Google Cache, and so here I bring it back to life again.....

(There may be other threads still in Google Caches if you are very quick.)


Dave: From my long list of questions that demand answers, comes Who built the Tracy Island complex?

We have this family of five sons, living a playboy life of luxury on a tropical island, with their millionaire ex-astronaut father.

But wait... in that old Mark of Zorro/Batman kind of way, their home is actually the heavily camouflaged, South Pacific base of the International Rescue organisation. Well who would have guessed it?

High security, extreme secrecy, secure jamming equipment, and camera detection equipment all help make the island undetectable, both from the air and from communications. In fact, only by brain-washing Brains can any information be obtained at all.

So, who built all these underground caverns and installed all this electronic wizardry? Who designed and built the Thunderbird machines and tested the components? How did they deliver all this stuff without anyone noticing?

Did Jeff Tracy have the equivalent of Bruce Wayne's Lucius Fox? Or is that one of Brain's jobs?

What happened to the construction workers? Were the contractors blind-folded, or did they sign an official secrets act?

Or, is it more sinister than that; should we be looking for some mass grave among the sea-shells and the moving palm trees?


TheEndIsNigh: Oh dear Dave, I'm surprised at your lack of knowledge on this. In your defence you are probably one of these young whippersnappers who have no sense of marrionation history.

It's a well known fact that Tracey island had already been excavated long before and and was left to be re-discovered years later by the Tracy family.

What they found was the old WASP headquarters left centuries before by the Stingray crew.

In fact the island was originally linked to the mainland, at that time the town of Four Feather Falls was still a rough goldmining camp and it's thought the tunnels were as a direct result of the old fortyniners efforts


What they found was the old WASP headquarters left centuries before by the Stingray crew.

Sorry TEIN, but Marineville, the HQ of the World Aquanaut Security Patrol, was 20 miles inland. Tracy Island is clearly a volcanic island when seen from above. When T3 comes out of the Summer House it very likely rises out of an extinct crater. I think you are confused by the fact that Marineville lowered itself underground when under attack, and by the oceanic entrance for the patrol craft.


TheEndIsNigh: Nonsense Dave. Your forgetting the global warming catastrophe of 2217 where the Californian coast was completely submerged all the way back to the Rockies.


Ursa Major: think TEiN has almost got the answer, in that the facilities on Tracy Island were built by Aquaphibians captured during King Titan's assault on Marineville. While it was assumed that all of the prisoners were returned to their watery home, some were press-ganged into working for the Tracys.

Of what happened to the Aquaphibians after they'd completed their work, there is no trace, as you'd expect.

Wiki also has this comment (in the Trivia section of the Stingray entry): "Thunderbird 4 was built by WASP, the same organisation responsible for Stingray."


Dave: I see my errors now, I was completely unaware of the Aquaphibian eco-terrorist sabotage attacks, and the flooding of the western USA seaboard. Do you have a link for that?

I wonder what did happen to the Aquaphibians? I wonder what ever became of Phil Cool too?


pyan: You're all wrong - it was, in fact designed by Anthea Turner, John Leslie and Diane-Louise Jordan...

In fact, the plans are now available:

Tracy Island Secret Plans.pdf


TheEndIsNigh: Maybe the Tracy's are the Aquaphibians. Lets face it they all have that look and Penelope is a dead ringer for a descendant of Marina given some unsavoury inter-relationships that 'may' have occurred.

Though I suspect Ursa has the answer here. The Aquaphibians probably met their end under the T2 runway.

Driven out to die under the hot searing Pacific sun, herded together like flapping sardines while the Tracy's looked on with that Village of the Damned smile they have.


Dave: Pyan, this was a serious discussion. You dishonour all the hard work put into the design by Brains Hackenbacker when you mention those leaked plans left on a laptop at Waterloo Station.

Anyway, I've discovered Jeff Tracy's email address now. He will tell me.


I see my errors now, I was completely unaware of the Aquaphibian eco-terrorist sabotage attacks, and the flooding of the western USA seaboard. Do you have a link for that?

I wonder what did happen to the Aquaphibians? I wonder what ever became of Phil Cool too?

Sorry Dave missed the request for information the first time.

Yes I do have a link. Although of course the actual details and official records have been destroyed it is known the Aquaphibians used the basic method that had been outlined years before in the thwarted, flimsily disguised as fictional, attack that sometimes emerge in the form of a film plot from MI6 archives.

The advantage the Aquaphibians had/have of course is that they are busily melting the ice caps, even as we discuss this, to assist in the vast quantities of water they will need to complete the plot.

I trust that you are not one of those easily fooled individuals that believe the smoke screen story that we humans are responsible for global warming.

I can see why the governments would want to suppress the real reason if the general public at large knew that another species laid claim to the planet there would be chaos and rioting in the streets and demands for "sanctions".

I can see why they do it, for the life of me I can never understand why the gullible public is so easily taken in.

Anyway here's the link:-

A View to a Kill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


tangaloomababe: TEIS: I never knew the history of Tracy Island? In fact as a kid I never questioned it and I assumed Brains had done alot of the work towards the technology side of it all. However I do like Dave's theory:

Or, is it more sinister than that; should we be looking for some mass grave among the sea-shells and the moving palm trees?

I smiled with amusement to think that the Tracy family were maybe not so nice as once thought, but knew deep down it couldn't be true.


Dave: Ah! It is becoming clearer now. I'd never thought of Christopher Walken as an Aquaphibian before but Wikipedia has this on Max Zorin:

However, it is revealed later in the movie that he was the product of Nazi medical experimentation during World War II, in which pregnant women were injected with massive quantities of steroids in an attempt to create "super-children."

I see now what a hopeless cover story that is. Much more likely that he was the leader of the underwater race, altered by cosmetic surgery to look human. Good Call TEiN!

Pity though, that he chose a second-rate Bond movie as his choice of plots for World Domination, otherwise he might just have succeeded.


TheEndIsNigh: Well the ice is on the move. There still out there.

This is just another example of what I have been warning you all about since I joined the site.

Do they listen?


Does it worry me.

All the time.


ursa major: I shouldn't worry, TEiN.

Stingray and Thunderbirds are transmiitted to us from our future, so the end is far from nigh.

(Unless someone's tryng to string us along.)


TheEndIsNigh: You may think that you are safe. However, you forget the great time rupture of 2009 where the planet is hurled 200 years into the future

(Care of our Swiss friends unless we turn it off in time)


Dave: That sounds like a job for International Rescue - which was where we came into this discussion.


TheEndIsNigh: See Dave it's happening already - Shoot that groundhog.

There were a lot of Polish people spotted on the island shortly before the Tracys moved in.

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