Finding copyright holders: Gandalara Cycle


Active Member
Feb 10, 2005
I'm trying to determine wether Bantam still "owns" the right to publish Randall Garrett and Vicki Ann Heydron's 7 Gandalara books from 1981-1987.
I've mailed Bantam several times but have received no answer.

Is there a way to contact Vicki Ann Heydron herself (Randall died in 1987)?

This is about me wanting this series in print again and this time in hard cover.


Because it's one of the best Fantasy/Science Fiction series I've read.
And because I'd like a better quality version of these wonderful books.
The pocket editions are breaking up even though I've been careful when reading them.

If I can find Vicki Ann Heydron, I might get her to re-publish the books through an online book printer service like or in hard cover.

Can anyone help me with this project?

I hope this is the right place for this kind of question.

Copyright will be with the authors, but rights may be with Bantam - although they may well have been reverted after this time. Try contacting their rights department in New York, rather than their editorial department. But the odds are you'll need to find a way to contact Vicki. Through the SFWA?

Good luck.
Oh, and if the acknowledgement pages of the Bantam editions mention an agent, contact them, too.
The first book mentions that Randall Garrett and Vicki Ann Heydron met through their mutual agent Tracy E. Blackstone. That's in 1975-1978.

Any chance she's still around?

How would I find her?


Sure did.
No mention of literary agent on any of the hits.
One is a reviewer on and another is at
Could be her.

I messaged her.

Let's hope...

It was her.
She's no longer "their" agent.
She pointed me to JABberwocky Literary Agency

Here's the info:

Randall Garrett Reviews

Dropped them a mail.
We'll see if there will be any positive developements.

Good luck from me as well!
I managed to find an old set of the Gandalara Cycle books all together, but that was pure luck!
I do wish older and some fringe books would get back into print - even if it was on an order by order basis - heck with so many sales online now shelf space is in effect infinite ;)

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