Harry Dresden - wizard

Highlander II

There can be only one!!
Jun 6, 2001
I thought I'd already dropped a thread in about my Harry Dresden site. It's not big, but it did just get a nice little redesign.

Harry Dresden - Wizard

I may add book reviews or other Dresden-style information as I have time, but for now, it's a list of available Dresden-related works and links to other Dresden-related places on the web that I find interesting. =)
Nice one, H2 - but what have you got hidden in the lab, eh?:D
Nothing until I get sample chapters for the next book or some fun tidbits from Jim that I can stash in there. =)

The lab's where the fun 'sneaky' stuff goes. That got started back when Jim sent me the first few chapters of "Blood Rites" back in 2003!

Gonna have to bug him again, I think, since I can't 'stalk'... I mean, catch him at a con again until probably next year. *eg*

ETA: Fricking IE! darn you, you obnoxiously pain-in-the-tail browser! You do not render the spacing on my page correctly you... you.... idiot browser you! *sighs* after 3 days of code and IE STILL doesn't get it right? *beats IE* Man - my codes even been verified by W3C! *mumblegrumble* (obviously I tested it in Fx!)

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