New Episode leaked!


To the moon and stars
Apr 27, 2004
Bet the BBC are spitting Nails this morning an Episode of the new series starring Christopher Ecceleston & Billie Piper was leaked online

The BBC is investigating the leak on the internet of an episode from the new series of Dr Who.

Starring Christopher Eccleston as the Time Lord and Billie Piper as his assistant, the episode has been seen by fans ahead of the launch of the sci-fi series on BBC1 this month.

The 45-minute instalment from the multi-million pound revival, the first new Dr Who series in 15 years, is named Rose, after Piper's character.

The BBC said the leak was "a significant breach of copyright which is currently under investigation".

A spokeswoman said: "The source of it appears to be connected to our co-production partner.

"We would urge viewers not to spoil their enjoyment and to wait for the finished version which airs at the end of the month."

The leak appears to be that of the first episode, but it is not clear whether it is the final cut.

It begins with the Doctor and Rose being chased by Autons, shop mannequins that have come to life, according to the BBC's entertainment website.

On Monday Russell T Davies, the writer and executive producer, said Eccleston approached him about playing the Doctor.

Davies told the Radio Times: "He emailed me and said if we were looking for a Doctor Who he'd be interested. The first couple of episodes were written before Chris was cast so I'd established a template for what I wanted, which fitted Chris perfectly

Starts on March 26th
I wonder whether this new series will be available in the U.S. I have been a fan forever. BBC America used to run reruns once a week, but they stopped that a while ago.
Winters_Sorrow said:
I'm hoping this new series forever banishes my first Dr Who memory.....Sylvester McCoy & Bonnie Langford.. *shudder*

Whoah! Definitely call for thereapy there. :)

And, yes, Tom Baker - quite a star. He's always come across as very quirky at the best of times, which made him all the more suitable for Doctor Who.
nah - I've managed to work through those demons! :D

It has completely put me off all Dr Who stuff though and it's only recently I'm looking through some of the old episodes again
I used to love Doctor Who every weekend we all used to sit and watch it apart from my youngest sister who would hide behind the sofa (she did the same with worzel gummidge when he took his head off to change it too)

I couldnt stand Bonnie Langford something to do with that annoying voice and her hair she kinda ruined it a lot for me and Peter Davidson wasnt great he always reminded me of that tv Vet show he was on - All Creatures great and small

Shame that Jason Isaacs didn't get the role... Imagine a "Lucius Malfoy" type Dr Who!!! Would be KICK-ASS!!! HAHAHAH!!! Especially with the attitude and the accent!!! ;) Oh, and I bet the accent loving American ladies would be pleased... ;) And only watching it "'cos the kids insisted!!" and "I had to make sure it was suitable!!" Yeah, right!!! :D

My introduction to Dr Who came in the guise of Jon Pertwee, though I got to see a fair amount of Patrick Troughton, and enjoyed his quirkiness...

I had problems dealing with Dr Who past Peter Davison... Although Sylvester McCoy was a little better than Colin Baker!!! Hell, even a lump of jelly could act better than him!!!

Hopefully they have decided to avoid the unnecessary screaming companions... And go with ones that can hold her own and save the Doctor from time-to-time!!! :D
We can but hope, I always found the intelligent companions much more enjoyable as opposed to the eye candy companions.
The companion pictured here Billie Piper...seems to be attempting a Buffy look ...
I bet the accent loving American ladies would be pleased...

*Drooling* YOU BET WE WOULD! But for me, any British accent will do. I ADORED the way Tom Baker spoke! I also love Scottish and Irish accents.

I don't really know too much about the different dialects. I can usually recognize someone from Liverpool but that's because it's so thick. I notice that Malfoy Jr. always sounds as tho he has marbles in his mouth. Where is he from?
