Arise, Sir Pterry!


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Staff member
Jul 29, 2005
. Bright and fierce and fickle is the South .
Ah, but Robert Plant....

*eerie strains of Rock and Roll from the Zep's hallowed 4th album echo in background*

Commander Plant, reporting for duty ma'am!:D

Good on Pratchett, too. ;)
I wonder if they will reprint all the books with Sir Terry Pratchett in the title.
You do sometimes.

The Third World War by General Sir John Hackett for example.
Shame that the BBC Online headline was:
Pratchett leads showbiz honours

when it was awarded for Services to Literature.

(I hope it wasn't simply because Sir Terry has the temerity to write books that people want to read.)
Cool beans! I was watching a series of astronomy progs on BBC four last night and one featured Sir P with his home made observatory. He just had to be an amateur astronomer! TP we salute you!
Cool beans! I was watching a series of astronomy progs on BBC four last night and one featured Sir P with his home made observatory. He just had to be an amateur astronomer! TP we salute you!

I hope by "Sir P" you mean "Sir Pterry" and not "Sir Pratchett". :) "Sir" is always put in front of the first name.
Sorry, but I'm a terrible nitpicker...:eek:
it is the best news of the year - 09 ofc

who cares what else happens this year, pTerry ftw

for those out there who like or dislike "Going Postal", that will be the next sky adapation thingie, like Hogfather and CoM/LF. so who ya think will be a good Moist?

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