What Game Are You Currently Playing?

Well, after saying I couldn't be bothered to try running the grass LODs procedure again, needless to say, I did it again :LOL:

And this time it worked, with a little help from the STEP guide. Grass as far as the eye can see, no more pop in and no performance impact that I can tell. My work here is done :LOL:

The thing about the stealth archery is that it's a lot more fun than fighting people face to face. It's also a lot quicker. In Skyrim - which in fairness doesn't try to realistically imitate swordfighting - you just hammer the attack button and heal yourself until your opponent dies. I suppose technically you could use your shield, but I'm not sure it's worth the bother. So you might as well creep about and snipe people. If nothing else, it means that you won't have to hear "Skyrim belongs to the Nords!" quite as often.
When I haven't been messing around with Skyrim, I've been playing SKALD: Against The Black Priory. It's old school and bloody brilliant.

Meanwhile in Skyrim: Lydia died! I was quite surprised by this, as I'd assumed that the companions were immortal and just dropped out of the fight until it was over if they took enough damage. Some obnoxious necromancer shot her repeatedly with chunks of ice. I killed him, but it felt like a small revenge.

So I have hired a seedy dark elf mercenary, who says things like "I paint in scarlet on a canvas of death" and sounds as if she smokes four packs of cigarettes per day.
At least you didn't have to kill Lydia yourself, like I did :oops::ROFLMAO:

My current follower is Aela. I made the mistake of giving her a staff to carry until I could sell it or break it down. Naturally, she started using it. Last night she set both me and Barbas on fire. Barbas was unhappy and started attacking her. It's the beginning of an eternal enmity, I think.
I believe Lydia's invincible, unless you kill her. Enemies can make a companion severely wounded but the death blow has to come from the player. It can be easily done, especially with Fus Ro Dah.
Nooooooo! What have I done?! Who will tell me "Oh look, a cave!" every time that I leave a cave?
You are doomed to carry your own burdens now.
I’m still playing Spacehaven and have found it to be quite enjoyable. I’ve just sent a team to investigate a derelict spaceship and found it full of eggs and other creatures.

Internet discussions have talked about finding people cocooned by the aliens and glued to the walls. I've yet to come across this but, luckily, I’ve been researching and manufacturing better weapons (including a flamethrower attachment).

Time to rename one of my crew ‘Ripley’:)
I sneaked into the elven embassy, which I remember as quite an awkward mission, and did about five minutes of creeping around until everything went south. Still, no witnesses were left, not even a random troll who was hiding under the embassy. It's a shame that I didn't get to fus ro dah a huge pile of ferrero rochers. My hired mercenary friend observed "You and I are alike", and she probably has a point.

As I left the city, two guards started to warn me about vampires, creating a weird doppler effect as they said the same lines.
Fallout London has been released

Fallout: London

It’s free on GOG but I don’t think I’ll be getting it. Apparently, you have to ‘downgrade your version’ to get it to work.

There was a time when I’d quite happily jump through hoops to get games to work. This was particularly true in the DOS days. Sometimes, I found the challenge of getting a game to work better fun than the game itself. Now, I just can’t be bothered with all that fuss, even if it is free.
I've overhauled the combat in Skyrim a little, just to see how it works, really. It's a lot of fun. I've been playing the game with a controller until now, but I switched over to mouse and keyboard to assign a couple of extra hotkey functions. Now, if I'm using a bow and an enemy gets in melee range too fast I can either kick them and dodge backwards, or pull out a dagger and hit and stagger them. Works a treat when I remember to do it :LOL:

It's so long since I played a first/third-person game with mouse and keyboard that it's almost been like learning how to play the game from scratch again. There have been several messy deaths due to me forgetting to press the right key :ROFLMAO:

Getting there, though.
I played a bit of Call of Duty: World at War (2008): this is a pretty good simulation of the violence, chaos, frustration and arbitrary death of the battlefields of WW2, seen from the perspectives of a Russian conscript and a US marine. Unfortunately, it's not a great game. Thank goodness Britain was completely uninvolved!

Monstrum (2015): a very hard but very engrossing game about a man trying to escape from a cargo ship. This is probably the most frightening computer game I've ever played. It's like a low-budget version of Alien: Isolation, but is somehow more intense (probably because all you do is run, hide and pick up stuff). The monsters are a little bit cheap-looking, but the atmosphere is very strong. There's something inherently creepy about big ships: I even found the comical game The Ship slightly sinister. I wish it had some kind of save feature.

Skyrim continues. For a while I thought that I'd accidentally killed the gravel-voiced dark elf mercenary who was helping me, then I discovered that she was hanging out in the grisly lair of some cultists that we'd massacred earlier. I suspect that she just liked the ambiance.
Ready of Not: Home Invasion DLC. Three new missions in a hurricane-stricken Los Sueños.

Three great new missions. The maps are big and very detailed. There's a lot of suspense too. And last but not least, the DLC is dirt cheap.
I reloaded Prey (2017), a shooter/RPG game in which you explore a space station full of monsters. It's very slick and overall really good, but somehow quite forgettable. It shares a lot of gameplay with Bioshock and System Shock, and has elements from Dishonored (it's by the same people, and the characters have the same unkind-caricature look as the Dishonored people), but lacks any of the memorable elements from those games. There's also a lot of busywork in going to a place, finding that the door to the place is locked, going to get the key, finding that the neighbour's cat has eaten it, looking for the cat, etc. You could spend a hell of a long time playing this game, but if you're like me you probably won't bother with the fiddly stuff. I'd recommend it, though.
I finished Prey, which reminded me of a story about a man listening to a Beethoven symphony who said "This is really good and will it end soon?" It might as well have been called "Space Station Errand Boy", because of the amount of running back and forward involved. Even the most ardent completist would get pretty sick of the endless side-missions, especially since you can reach peak dangerousness about two thirds of the way through. The final act, involving a mercenary arriving on the station, seems to go on forever.

However: it's genuinely very well-made, there are lots of interesting things to do as well as the tedious ones, there's a huge amount of choice for the player, and the voice acting is good. There's a load of back-story if you want it and several plot twists. It's both compelling and strangely unmemorable. It feels like a game made by a committee: a committee of very skilled people, but a committee nonetheless.
I’ve been playing the main campaign scenario in Strategic Command WWII: War In The Pacific. I started off pretty well as the Japanese. I more or less expanded to the historical boundaries - plus - I managed to take New Guinea.

It’s the end of 1943 and things are changing fast. I took heavy fleet losses defending the Solomons from invasion but only lost one carrier (Kaga). Unfortunately the Solomons invasion was either a feint or only one prong of a two-pronged attack. An invasion force appeared off the coast of Western Australia and landed in the Java/Sumatra area. My defences there were minimal andI’m losing ground fast.
Meanwhile, the Brits have managed to link up with the Cinese and the net is closing. The nature of the terrain makes it extremely difficult to move reserves to plug the gaps.

With the USA economy now fully converted to a war footing, they are outproducing Japan in every area. It’s only a matter of time now….
Just when I thought I ws getting a handle on Elden Ring. I found new areas with far worse monsters and dangers. This game is a nightmare . I love it ! :D :cool:
