A long shot - name of a book?


New Member
Jan 17, 2008
Hi - trying to remember the title of a book I read when I was around 13/14 years old I think - so aimed at young teenagers I imagine. All I can recall is that it involved a group of people (central character being a teenage boy) going on a journey and the ending centralled around them going up a mountain or a volcano... I don't normally read books twice but I did with this one so hoping it was good enough that someone else read it - any ideas?!!!!
yes should have thought of that! I know it wasn't dark and gloomy like lord of the rings - set in background of a sunny nature - will keep burying into my mind to try and remember more!
Wasn't "Escape to Witch Mountain" was it. (The book not the film)
Lucien, was just thinking that!! There was a brother and sister, wasn't there?
yeah, and the girl was either deaf or mute, i don't remember which. and one of them had a puppet or something... it was a great book :) sorry i don't know the one you're looking for though, milsy.
Silverberg had a few that sounded similar. Kingdom of the Wall had another group making a journey up the side of a mountain. though it wasn't quite kid directed.
it could be "The Farthest-Away Mountain" by Lynne Reid Banks, as you mentioned it was aimed at teenagers. hope it helps.

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