(Found) Please help - book title!


New Member
Jan 19, 2009
I once read a series of books that I'd really like to find again. It was sci-fi based. One man is the last of his race (they were a warrior race that lived on a planet and were hired out as mercenaries in war, and fearing this, an unknown enemy unleashed a virus/disease that killed everyone except this guy, who was saved by some doctor dude). It has aliens and fights and star travel, and that's about all I remember. This guy is an uber-warrior and defeats a lot of people. One of his companions is some female alien. I don't know the name of the author or any characters, but this has been plaguing my mind for a while now. I remember that at the end the main bad guy was this big tentacle thingy/mastermind. I know this is all very vague but I'm desperate!
It was a long time ago that I read it but there is a chance that it might be the 'The Last Legionary' series by Douglas Arthur Hill.

The main character is the last of a warrior race, has unbreakable synthetic bones and an alien companion. There is more background to the series if you look on wikipedia. The page for the first in the series is Galactic Warlord.

Hope that helps.

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