(Found) Looking for a series of books: gods of order and chaos, a seer with yellow eyes


New Member
Jan 28, 2009
Hi I read this about 20 years ago.. I think it was a series of three .
The main characters were a man who did not remember his past, looking for answers, turned out to be one of 10 or 12 lords of chaos.

the other character is a young girl who is a seer..white blonde hair, yellow eyes.

Their paths cross...etc etc etc.
I have been looking for this for YEARS..
please help.
Hmm, am just reading the 'Amber' series again, but haven't come across a seer yet, so it's probably wrong, but they were the lords of CHAOS, Nine Princes in Amber is the first, starts with Corwin waking with total loss of memory , and gradually getting it back-Roger Zelazny at his best.....
Found it...
It is by Louise Cooper ..the books are called
the initiate, the outcast and the master...

Thank you all.
Sounds like it might be the first Corum trilogy, by Michael Moorecock. Not exactly as you described it, but could be close depending on the accuracy of your memory. Corum is one of the last members of an Elf-like race who are servants of the Chaos Lords. The three books follow him as he searches out the Knight, Queen, and King of Chaos. He ends up being one aspect of the Eternal Champion (Elric etc.) and in service to Ballence rather than Chaos.

If it’s not the right series, sorry I couldn’t help.

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