Anyone submit photos to magazines?


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Dec 8, 2007
Somewhere near Jupiter
I was thinking of submitting some of my landscapes to a photo mag but the small print says the images must be saved at 300 ppi.
Now when i open up an image in photoshop elements ad click on imahe size it has 72 ppi as default. If i change that to 300 ppi I end up with a large pic pixel wise but a very small print, say 3 x 5 inches!
For example I load an image from the memory card which has a size of
3072x 2049 pixels
42 x22 inches at 72 ppi

If I untick Resample Image and then resize to 300 ppi the print size drops to
10 x 6 inches
If i then go back into resize and change the pixel dimensions to say 1024 x 683 with resample box now checked I get a print size of a measly 3.4 x 2.2 inches!
You don't have a 'maintain original size' option box to tick? Or perhaps it is called ...something...proportions..?

Might be that you're just trying to large of a jump, as well; 72 to 300 ppi seems like a lot.

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