Critique Posts


Coven of the Worm
Feb 1, 2007
The people who love you are worth more than gold.
I have a question for the mods. I read the guidelines for critique posting, but I'm a little confused. I understand that you're under no "obligation" to delete posts, so of course I won't press it. But do you mean you can't delete the post even if it's done as a reply within the thread - instead of the opening post?
Yes, it's technically possible to delete any post, or part of a post - the moderators have access to a control panel to enable us to move, merge, delete, etc, etc, anything posted on the boards, and Brian, as Admin, has even more controls than the Mods.

But we don't and won't - because that is what the founder and owner of the Chrons has laid down as the way he wants it to be.
The provisions of being a member here are clearly laid down in the Forum Rules, and in the terms and conditions of joining, which everyone has agreed to as part of the signing-up process.

Hope this helps to clarify things.
However, I think that in some cases it is possible to have a post deleted. For example I had one of my short stories published on an online mag months after i had it critiqued here and asked that it be removed because it wasn't fair for the publisher.

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