Anyone into the Black Library


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Nov 6, 2008
Hello, About a year ago i picked up the Founding by Dan Abnett on the off chance. It was based on the Warhammer 40, 000 game. Since then i've picked up a lot of the Warhammer 40K and found them to be very entertaining. Anyone else enjoying these?
No, but in the same....what "vein" I have a few based on the Diablo pc game...same company.
I have a few of the fantasy ones by William King Gotrek & Felix fun reads.

And 2 40,000 though have not read these two.
the series of 40k novels revolving around the Horus Heresy are brilliant. And considering they are written by different authors... remarkable in their continuity.
The new Legends of Warhammer series... focussing on the biggest and most famous characters in WFB fiction are also exceptional... Nagash and Malekith in particular.

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