Anyone have a clue? factory machine kills man and finds his wife


New Member
Mar 11, 2009
Hi, I'm new on this forum. I've been going crazy trying to determine the author of an early twentieth century fantasy/sci-fi story I came across a few years ago.
A factory worker is accidentally killed at work by a machine. One night as his wife grieves, back in the darkness of the factory, the machine pulls its bolts from the floor and lurches out of the factory. Walking the darkened streets, it finds the home of its dead master. It crawls into bed with his sleeping wife, who cannot tell its embrace from her late husband.
This sounds to me like something by Karl Capek or Italo Calvino, but so far Google has given me nothing on this.
Thanks in advance to anyone who has a clue!
Can't help you but.

Is it meant to be funny? Because I think that hilarious.
I have no idea what early 20th century story this is from, but it sounds like it was a pretty big influence on Stephen King in writing a short story called The Mangler. That one was about a posessed laundry folding machine that was drenched in human blood when a worker lost her arm in it, then a demon in it posessed it, broke it loose from the bolts holding it down and attacked a couple of cops who had earlier suspected that it was in fact posessed. You may want to look that story up and see if there is anything that King has ever quoted as an influence on him in writing it. I know that there are several dozen books about King out, so you may get lucky that way.

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