Sixth Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy book due in October

I saw this in the Book Shops this afternoon. Very tempted to get it, but i'll have to wait until payday. Looking forward to seeing what you thought of it Mary.
This seems a bit shoddy, actually. Quite different from farming out James Bond to different writers.

Adams had a very unique style and it was that personae that appealed to his readers.

Completely agree. If you want to read a new "Bourne" book why does the author matter? I mean, I know these were a "franchise" but it seems like someone is disrespecting the literary nature of the product here. Just hope it's good so it doesn't come off as a sham of Adams.
Was tempted to buy , but decided no. I love Douglas Adams , and think his ideas and style of writing are brilliant and funny ; but if that's how he ended up finishing the series , then so be it.

No offense to the new author , but he's not Douglas Adams.
Just listened to the first installment of the radio four book at bed time.

I'm reading the book right now. Not far into it yet. I'm hoping it won't be too bad. I know it will never be Adams, but that doesn't mean it can't be a good story still (if it is). One thing I like already is the footnotes start at the next paragraph instead of at the bottom of the page like all books usually have them. Though these are "Guide Notes." Still nicer that way.

What's with all this hating on the publisher? I thought it was Adams's wife who picked and contacted Eoin Colfer herself?

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