When i first saw season 1, i thought wow, what a well done gritty, interesting story & filmed superbly. Unfortunately every season got progressively worse. It just got more & more ludicrous every episode. Lets make half the main characters Cylons (dumb), lets make some ancient story where the gods make an arrow that will lead the fleet back to Earth(silly), let the fleet finally find Earth, only to find the planet useless(pointless,obviously trying to get another season), get rid of most of the action & make half the series an internal political struggle(very boring). Lets make some tune (in Starbucks head) & a few dots become the next way home, even though she has been killed (ludicrous). Saul & Six having a baby(what???), Baltar & his religious cult(stupid). Cylons becoming buddies with the humans (unbelievable) & the final over the top drama with how important the kidnapped half Cylon kid is to the human race (outer nonsense, so what if the Cylons have the kid?).