Untitled - Fantasy Story

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Apr 2, 2009
Ok so to begin with... This is my first time doing anything like this haha... Not too sure where or what i should be posting... So let me know if something goes horribly wrong :]

It sort of like... Each chapter is about a different group.. type thing?... (The 'good 'guys first... 'Bad' guys second) It carries on like this throughout then towards the end of the chapters... they will get closer and closer till they finally meet and like... have like.. all out warfare... ok thats enough from me...
I kind of need help with the layout... and possibly punctuation...
P.S... Last thing i promise... Could be a few spelling errors in there... Havn't proof read it yet haha.

The year 2209, two hundred years after the Gates of Notork were ever opened, a time of horror, a time of desolation. The great war against the Krigns, on this day, it was the largest attack from the Krigns the land had ever seen, the attacks from everywhere, capturing kings, killing the villagers. The lands divided amonst themselves, seperated from each other. Eventually the land was united once again due to Kelym's actions. The battle between Krigns and the land raged for several years, until the gates were locked. Forever. Many of the Krign tribes were scattered, many retreted to their homelands, to resume their plan of revenge and distruction. The surrounding land had provailed, but it was now a broken land. new age of warfare would be unleashed upon the land. The land needs heroes, like never before.
His eyes flickered open, but all he could see was darkness. A putrid stench filled his nose as he gagged. His arms felt as if they were made from lead but also weak, the muscles aching and sore from the fearsome battle however he managed to push himself up with all of his might. The land was scorched, burning trees and demolish buildings lay crumpled on the floor. As he rolled himself over he found himself staring into a pair of cold, dead eyes. He shrieked out in horror and pushed himself away from the rotting corpse, its face obscured by straggled black hair. He scrambled back, finding himself on the top of a mountain of dead.

The drumming had started, an infernal sound, like the heart beat of a demonic, evil god, the horrific sound echoed around his head, coming from every direction. He could feel the immense sound hammering down upon him like a weight on his chest. He curled up into a tiny ball covering his ears with his massive hands, trying to block out the monstrous sound. His eyes were shut, but yet still saw images of hate and violence. He saw the Krign, with eyes of fire that stared deeply into his soul. He heard the demonic laughter of the evil beings, and the swords screaming through the air as they clash with almighty force. As the Krigns laughed their bloodthirsty teeth were revealed from its gaping jaw, the hateful creatures black filled flesh reached towards him breathing heavily as its arms creep closer. Scorching arrows fly through the black, opaque sky, piercing the Krigns head, in the distance stands another survivor, his crimson bow partially visible. Long hair sweeps across his face in the threatening wind.

As the two men approach each other wearily, as the low fog begins to thin, the men run towards each other with a delighted expression, pushing through the pain they have suffered. As the two ran towards each other, their smile acting as a beacon of hope amongst the hellish caverns. The two press through the black filled crevice, slaying the incoming frenzy of Krigns. In the background stands what could only be described as an angel, beaming lights surround it, bolts fly from it, was it survivor? Or something unnatural? Questioned the pair, as they march on the object becomes clearer, it was another survivor, the dazzling aura spiralling around the body of the man stunned the couple in their tracks. The pair dart across the field of dead to where the third survivor is standing, muttering words, his dark blue eyes focused on the Gates of Notork, as the gates begin to close the pair look at each other and run to each side of the gate and begin to bush, although it does not move any faster.

The glowing man turns his gaunt face towards the two men, although not saying a word, is it clear what must be done, the two men run to the side of the ‘angel’ and focus their gaze onto the gate, lights burn through dark sky that hugged the world landing on each of the three members. In synchronisation they begin mumbling incoherent words simultaneously, the massive gates begin to shut, faster, until the booming noise blasts out, the Gates of Notork were shut, keeping the Krigns from reaching the living, forever.
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The year 2209, two hundred years after the Gates of Notork were ever
why "ever"?
a time of horror, a time of desolation. The great war against the Krigns, on this day, it
no "it"
was the largest attack from the Krigns the land had ever seen,
"with" rather than "the"?
the attacks from everywhere, capturing kings, killing the villagers. The lands divided amonst
themselves, seperated
from each other. Eventually the land was united once again due to Kelym's actions.
separated, reunited, with no reason or explanation
The battle between Krigns and the land raged for several years, until the gates were locked. Forever. Many of the Krign tribes were scattered, many retreted
to their homelands, to resume their plan of revenge and distruction. The surrounding land had provailed
, but it was now a broken land. new age of warfare would be unleashed upon the land. The land needs heroes, like never before.
too many repetitions of "land"
His eyes flickered open, but all he could see was darkness. A putrid stench filled his nose as he gagged. His arms felt as if they were made from lead but also weak, the muscles aching and sore from the fearsome battle
full stop
however he managed to push himself up with all of his might. The land was scorched, burning trees and demolish
buildings lay crumpled on the floor. As he rolled himself over he found himself staring into a pair of cold, dead eyes. He shrieked out in horror and pushed himself away from the rotting corpse, its face obscured by straggled black hair. He scrambled back, finding himself on the top of a mountain of dead.
The drumming had started, an infernal sound,
full stop here, I think – or pehaps after "god", depending on the sense
like the heart beat of a demonic, evil god, the horrific sound echoed around his head, coming from every direction. He could feel the immense sound hammering down upon him like a weight on his chest. He curled up into a tiny ball
covering his ears with his massive hands, trying to block out the monstrous sound. His eyes were shut, but yet still saw images of hate and violence. He saw the Krign, with eyes of fire that stared deeply into his soul. He heard the demonic laughter of the evil beings, and the swords screaming through the air as they clash
with almighty force. As the Krigns laughed their
if there is only one of them, this is "its". If there are several, "their gaping jaws"
bloodthirsty teeth were revealed from its gaping jaw, the hateful creatures black filled
creature's (or creatures') black-filled
flesh reached towards him
a comma, but is it the flesh that is breathing?.
breathing heavily as its arms creep
How have we come to be in present tense?
closer. Scorching arrows fly through the black, opaque sky, piercing the Krigns
full stop
in the distance stands another survivor, his crimson bow partially visible. Long hair sweeps across his face in the threatening wind.
As the two men approach each other wearily, as the low fog begins to thin,
Why the twin "as"s, with no explanation for the change of pace?
the men run towards each other with a delighted expression, pushing through the pain they have suffered.
You're back into past tense, with another "as" which means this sentence is a fragment
As the two ran towards each other, their smile acting as a beacon of hope amongst the hellish caverns.
back in present tense
The two press through the black filled crevice, slaying the incoming frenzy
collective noun?
of Krigns. In the background stands what could only be described as an angel,
beaming lights surround it, bolts fly from it, was it
survivor? Or something unnatural?
past tense, then immediately present
Questioned the pair, as they march on the object becomes clearer,
it was another survivor,
full stop
the dazzling aura spiralling around the body of the man stunned
the couple in their tracks. The pair dart
across the field of dead to where the third survivor is standing, muttering words, his dark blue eyes focused on the Gates of Notork,
full stop
as the gates begin to close the pair look at each other and run to each side of the gate
one gate or a pair
and begin to bush
, although it does not move any faster.
The glowing man turns his gaunt face towards the two men,
full stop
although not saying a word, is it clear what must be done,
the two men run to the side of the ‘angel’ and focus their gaze onto the gate,
full stop
lights burn through dark sky that hugged the world
landing on each of the three members. In synchronisation they begin mumbling incoherent words
full stop
simultaneously, the massive gates begin to shut, faster, until the booming noise blasts out,
semicolon, and past tense
the Gates of Notork were shut, keeping the Krigns from reaching the living, forever.
Wow... Thanks haha

Didn't notice i changed tense so much, i'll go make those changes now :]

Also its meant to be set in the past is the first part... Telling you what happened the first time to gates were opened... Just... To make that clear

Oh, and it gets called the land often cause... Well i tryed to show that they are not from the surface? Haha
You're so Vayne, you probably think this song is about you....... (sorry, that was for Chris, he's into music in a big way...) Welcome to the chrons. I see that Chris has done his usual excllent job of grammatical and punctuation correcting, so please forgive me if I repeat any of what he says. And I'm not going to cover the tense changes.

It sounds like a real epic, right from the start, sorta reminds me of the first book of the Wheel of Time series where the gods were fighting (but let's not go there....see all the other threads on that!), and I can see we're in for a world-shaking adventure, and hopefully no farmboy with a dragon is going to pop up. So, my input:

The prologue:
The year 2209, two hundred years after the Gates of Notork were ever opened, a time of horror, a time of desolation. The great war against the Krigns, on this day, it was the largest attack from the Krigns the land had ever seen, the attacks from everywhere, capturing kings, killing the villagers. The lands divided amonst themselves, seperated from each other. Eventually the land was united once again due to Kelym's actions. The battle between Krigns and the land raged for several years, until the gates were locked. Forever. Many of the Krign tribes were scattered, many retreted to their homelands, to resume their plan of revenge and distruction. The surrounding land had provailed, but it was now a broken land. new age of warfare would be unleashed upon the land. The land needs heroes, like never before.

I admit to being a bit confused about the gates. Was the horror and desolation because the gates were opened? If so, two hundred years of it seems an awful lot, or did it come independently? There seems to be some significance to the gates because the Krigns and the Land battled until the gates were locked, and that seemed to be for several years. I'm sure we'll find out more about the gates in the story, but rather than hook me, it's confused me. I rather thought that the Krigns came out from behind the gate where they'd been, and then were sent back after being defeated, is that right?
And I hear your narrator like a TV presenter, not sure if that's what you intended? The year 2209........two hundred years after the Gates of Notork were ever opened.........A time of horror.....a time of desolation.... And the camera is panning across the vista as we hear his voice, and we see the scene before us. Which works well if really it is a tv show you're writing, as the next bit does it as well: The great war against the Krigns, on this day, it was the largest attack from the Krigns the land had ever seen, the attacks from everywhere, capturing kings, killing the villagers.
If it's not a TV show then the 'on this day' bit doesn't fit well with the rest of it, because you're telling us about past history, and you seem to be mixing it with present-day events. Maybe it's the switch from the year 2209 to this day that's confusing me......P'raps if you fix a day for us it would make more sense: The year 2209. Midwinter's Eve. or whatever day might be significant in this world.......
But then, you go on to tell us about events that obviously went on for more than a day, so you've got some work to do to tidy this up. Either tell us the general history, or fix a point that was important in the past.
Many of the Krign tribes were scattered, many retreted to their homelands, to resume their plan of revenge and distruction. The surrounding land had provailed, but it was now a broken land. new age of warfare would be unleashed upon the land. The land needs heroes, like never before.
Now this bit doesn't tell me why the land needs heroes, didn't they just beat the krign? The worst they're occupying their time with, is planning revenge and destruction, where would this new age of warfare come from? This section doesn't gel with the history that's gone before unless there's a truly amazing threat that's coming out, so the new age of warfare is understood by us. If you'd told us that the Krign had spent years re-arming, training, and had dastardly new weapons of (mass?) destruction than I could understand why the land needed heroes like never before. At the moment, I can't, sorry. And surely the broken land has had time to regenerate? Or are the Krign coming out again after a day or so of planning, or has it been two hundred years? Or a couple of months R'n'R?
His eyes flickered open, but all he could see was darkness. A putrid stench filled his nose as he gagged. His arms felt as if they were made from lead but also weak, the muscles aching and sore from the fearsome battle however he managed to push himself up with all of his might. The land was scorched, burning trees and demolish buildings lay crumpled on the floor. As he rolled himself over he found himself staring into a pair of cold, dead eyes. He shrieked out in horror and pushed himself away from the rotting corpse, its face obscured by straggled black hair. He scrambled back, finding himself on the top of a mountain of dead
Erm.... who is this? Presumably it's one of the combatants, a soldier? Since his muscles are aching and sore from the fearsome battle? He's awakening to carnage all around him, and you're trying to bring over the horror of the awakening, and I feel you're trying a little bit too hard... I think we all do this to start with, using the best adjectives and adverbs we can find, to push the descriptive text along, just in case the reader hasn't got it.
But 'a putrid stench' as he gagged ? (Should be, 'and he gagged') Arms like lead,(in case we thought he was feeling good) fearsome battle, (as opposed to some other kind of battle?) all of his might,(in case we thought he was putting it on) scorched, burning trees, (Except he woke in complete darkness) demolish(ed) buildings (lying crumpled on the floor? Bjork, maybe, but either the earth or the ground, or the rocks, or the plain, but never the floor....)cold, dead eyes,(in case we thought they were warm) shrieked in horror (just in case we thought it was delight)rotting corpse (in case we thought it was a fresh one) a mountain of dead (according to HMSO regulation three, sub para 9, line 28, a mountain is only designated as such if it is over 1500 metres high and is composed primarily of rock wiht less than 18.3% soil. Okay, I lied about that - it's only 22.3% soil, but you get my point?) And if the corpse's face is obscured by straggled black hair, how did he see into his eyes? And what is he doing shrieking like a fishwife if he's a battle-hardened soldier? Maybe he dreamt he was at home in bed?
Okay, I've been too sarcastic, and I do apologise, but it's the relentless description that bludgens us, holds our faces down to the picture until we've got it all. There's no room for us to make up our minds about anything. I'm only going to do this once, (because it's only a suggestion and I'm no better at writing than you) but whatif:
His eyes flickered open, and he struggled to focus. Smoke swirled above him, long shadows cast by flames that he could hear crackling as they consumed the trees around him. His mouth was dry with the taste of blood and smoke, and he struggled to sit. As he pushed himself upright, his hand slipped on wetness and he fell sideways, his face colliding with a metal breastplate, jarring his teeth. Cursing, he hauled himself up and found himself staring into the face of Leongren,(OR JUST A SOLDIER) his throat torn away, his lifeblood scarlet on his armour. A gust of hot air lifted the hair that obscured his face, and (HER0) recoiled from the sight of the empty sockets where flies swarmed. He realised he had been laid on a pile of corpses, and his heart froze as he remembered.

Okay, I whizzed through that, so it's just your story sanitized. Not that I'm a wimp when it comes to bloodthirsty descriptions (injections, now that's another story....) but see what you think. I could have said "his mouth was scalded with the bitter sweetness of blood, and the acrid dryness of burning smoke" but I didn't. I left it to the imagination of the reader to decide what smoke and blood tasted like, and IMHO it's better that way. For God's sake totally disagree with me, and ignore me if you don't like what I'm saying. I'm just like you, a writer struggling to improve, to tell my story, exactly the same as you. What do I know?

As for the rest, there is still a too much tendency to try to get over the action by using the strongest descriptions you can find, and actually, it works in a some places. It's a gigantic battle after all, epic struggle going on.... (Even if the repetition of 'demonic' could be altered...)

Now, bearing in mind what I said above about confusion re the timeline etc, is this the telling of the last battle when the gates were closed, or is it that the gates were open for 200 years and have now (in the present) been closed? Or is this telling of history still?

Still confused of West Sussex is signing off now.... but I look forward to elucidation!
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Nice play on my name there haha, nobody actually picked up on that before :O (Not being sarcastic... They actually havnt)

So.. Yeah that really helped actually i see where your coming from and your points make absolute sense :] especially about the whole gate thing. Basically... You dont get told this in the beginning.. I dont think? Anyway... Its like... The gates were opened and a whole heap of evil stuff came flooding from their own land (the Krigns lands)... The... 'good' guys have been battlling against the Krigns, trying to recontrol the gates and keep them locked out from entering their world.. Forever... The gates first opened and the Krigns started to like... Go kill... Stuff... The 'good' people didnt really get what to do... So it took so long for them to find a way to close the gates and the battle underground went on for ages cause the Krigns were like... Super pro? I dont know if that helped any... It probs just confused you even more ^_^ Oh, and the date... I dont really get why i picked that date aha apart from its 200 years from now... Just couldnt really think of a suitable time for it all... But afterall, it is a fantasy...

Oh and yeah... Just forgot.. Uhm... Its telling you about when the gates first opened... And then how they closed, as it progesses its going to lead on and its like... The fathers of the new 'heroes' were in the first battle and its like.. Fate and stuff ^_^ So you find more out as it goes along... As expected :S Dont really know why i pointed that out...
Aah....so may be better to start with:

Two hundred years after the Gates of Nortock opened, the forces of Krigns and the Lands came together for a final battle. Etc....?

or..... (still slightly confused, but getting there!) if the prologue is the story of two hundred years ago, then:

Two hundred years ago the Gates of Nortock opened, and a time of horror and desolation was wrought upon the Lands. The battles between the forces lasted for several years before the Lands finally threw down their enemy. But the remaining Krigns planned and trained the destruction of the Lands, once more. Etc......?
Basically, the prologue is just like...a brief recap of what happened the first time the gates ever opened, just trying to like...engage the reader and tell you a little about it...kinda thing haha ... chapter 1 shows the 'good' guys side of the battle (in the past) chapter 2 is the same... but its the Krigns side, what they think of the 'good' people etc.. so the prologue isnt actually like... the full details of what happened its just introducing the story? I dont know if thats what you meant haha. But yeah the bit you said at the end seems to make more sense
I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee…

But in a more serious vayne;

I don't see why "land" should indicate that either it, nor the invaders, were in any way subterranean. The fact that I don't know which, or both, was, suggests you're going to need some more scene setting to make this clear (after all, few are the beings who read with such concentration on detail as I)
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