Active Member
Hi there I am new to the forum and from what I have seen it has some good information for people such as me.
I have just finished a book that I’ve been meaning to write for some time it’s (like many fantasy books) based on many years of role play games. I started these at aged 8 and am now 33 so something of a vet now.
This is what will be the first of at least 3 books with the chance of taking it up to 7-10 books across different ages of the world, all done from continued RP gaming.
I have set this book as a fast paced adult book and the first one rounds off well with strong realistic characters, a believable world and gripping plot (12 years of role play history has gone into it so it’s established to say the least).
People I know who read SF and Fantasy novels (all friends and co-gamers) think it is excellent and have asked for more when I do it but the question is where and who to speak to now?
It is sitting at 117,000 words (I can extend it but it would be just filling space and the story sits well at its current ending so I would need some convincing as to why it needs to be the magical 120k+).
Any tips of who to speak do, should I bother with an agent or go direct etc as in my day job I am the director of a recruitment agency so I am well aware of how quick professional’s time disappears during the week and would rather not waste others nor my own.
So any tipsters here on who to speak too as I am having a week off in planning my attack then the hunt begins to find a home for my epic fantasy novel?
Thanks for your help.
I have just finished a book that I’ve been meaning to write for some time it’s (like many fantasy books) based on many years of role play games. I started these at aged 8 and am now 33 so something of a vet now.
This is what will be the first of at least 3 books with the chance of taking it up to 7-10 books across different ages of the world, all done from continued RP gaming.
I have set this book as a fast paced adult book and the first one rounds off well with strong realistic characters, a believable world and gripping plot (12 years of role play history has gone into it so it’s established to say the least).
People I know who read SF and Fantasy novels (all friends and co-gamers) think it is excellent and have asked for more when I do it but the question is where and who to speak to now?
It is sitting at 117,000 words (I can extend it but it would be just filling space and the story sits well at its current ending so I would need some convincing as to why it needs to be the magical 120k+).
Any tips of who to speak do, should I bother with an agent or go direct etc as in my day job I am the director of a recruitment agency so I am well aware of how quick professional’s time disappears during the week and would rather not waste others nor my own.
So any tipsters here on who to speak too as I am having a week off in planning my attack then the hunt begins to find a home for my epic fantasy novel?
Thanks for your help.
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