I'm surprised that no one has yet begun a thread on this here. It has spawned all kinds of discussions.
Are you captured on it?
My daughter is. That will now forever be her claim to fame.
Are you one of the people who object to it? And why?
I can understand if you are the man captured being arrested, or the drunken man being sick outside a pub, but I cannot see a different between someone taking a photograph and this. It isn't against any law to take a photograph and that is all it is - a snapshot. There are cctv cameras taking video of us in London 50 times/day! That is far more sinister.
On the radio, I heard someone who was comforted by seeing their dead grandmother at the window of their old house. It is certainly great for people wishing into move to a new area, or searching for a business, or to find your hotel in a foreign country. I think it is an excellent tool.
I can understand if you can actually see inside someones house, or understand the concern of woman hiding from her abusive husband in a refuge, but you only need to ask and the image is removed by google.
Have you seen any of the funny and unusual things?
Such as those people on Tottenham Court Road, London all dressed as C3P0!
Or the builders on their break standing watching the photo shoot for some modeling magazine.
You can even see some of the other camera cars captured by each other.
In fact, so many people were finding odd things, maybe you were one of those taken in by the viral email April's Fool joke of the photoshopped cows on Westminster Bridge in London?
Are you captured on it?
My daughter is. That will now forever be her claim to fame.
Are you one of the people who object to it? And why?
I can understand if you are the man captured being arrested, or the drunken man being sick outside a pub, but I cannot see a different between someone taking a photograph and this. It isn't against any law to take a photograph and that is all it is - a snapshot. There are cctv cameras taking video of us in London 50 times/day! That is far more sinister.
On the radio, I heard someone who was comforted by seeing their dead grandmother at the window of their old house. It is certainly great for people wishing into move to a new area, or searching for a business, or to find your hotel in a foreign country. I think it is an excellent tool.
I can understand if you can actually see inside someones house, or understand the concern of woman hiding from her abusive husband in a refuge, but you only need to ask and the image is removed by google.
Have you seen any of the funny and unusual things?
Such as those people on Tottenham Court Road, London all dressed as C3P0!
Or the builders on their break standing watching the photo shoot for some modeling magazine.
You can even see some of the other camera cars captured by each other.
In fact, so many people were finding odd things, maybe you were one of those taken in by the viral email April's Fool joke of the photoshopped cows on Westminster Bridge in London?