Alan Dean Foster's Spellsinger books


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Dec 8, 2007
Somewhere near Jupiter
We have 4 out of the 6 so haven't tried reading them yet. Anyone read them? Are they traditional high fantasy or something more interesting?
definitely NOT high fantasy... however, considering the protagonist is a stoner.... high may be appropriate from a certain perspective. I have read through the 6 books a couple of times... the first three are far better than the later ones... Spellsinger itself is fun, and the follow-ups too, though they get a little (very little) more focussed and serious.
These books are certainly a case where a suspension of belief and an open mind are mandatory. Overall i'd give a 7/10 for the first three, and a 5-6/10 for the latter trio.
I agree with devils, it is not high fantasy but it is fun. Different and very light. The first three are the best although the whole series is not bad, but the first ones are the most fun. I would certainly say to give it a try. Every once in awhile I go back and reread them, the first couple anyways.
Sounds funny. He performs magic by singing and playing rock and roll? And gets to a fantasy world by getting high? I may have to check this series out. I don't think I had heard of the books before. Though I am pretty new to books.
I think it's good, too, especially if you like what is now considered classic rock, or original punk with your fantasy. I might lean a little closer to 8 than 7, but otherwise agree with DevilsG. Foster is a decent enough storyteller, and can paint a vivid picture (with words!) when he wants to.....
I enjoyed it at the time I read it (about ten years ago) but it's not the kind of thing I would read these days...

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