Oldies but goodies...


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Staff member
Jul 29, 2005
. Bright and fierce and fickle is the South .
Anyone else have a favourite game that they just keep coming back to?

Even thought the new ones may be all shiny and cool, with ultra-realistic graphics and sound, is there that game from years ago that you keep on resurrecting, because the gameplay is still exciting, or there's always something new to find out about it?

For me, it's Age of Empires II - The Conquerors Expansion.

Overtaken by its own makers, support dropped years ago - for me, it's still one of the best real-time strategy games around. There's something about all those little Mangudai in particular, scurrying about the landscape...

Anyone else have an old-time favourite?
I keep going back to Heroes of Might and Magic III. The gameplay is so enjoyable and laid back for a strategy game. I also enjoyed AoE II alot but I don't know what happened to the disk.
Graphics? What graphics? Oh, you mean that DOS character-cell that took over the entire screen....

Hack, now called nethack

Closest thing to D&D you could find in 1985. <Hit the chest> "The chest smashes to splinters." <Search> "You find fruit juice....perhaps not what you were hoping for." Hysterical.
Jedi Knight 2 and Jedi Outcast. Superb game and story. I'm hoping that it will be available with an updated engine sooner or later.
Graphics? What graphics? Oh, you mean that DOS character-cell that took over the entire screen....

Hack, now called nethack

Closest thing to D&D you could find in 1985. <Hit the chest> "The chest smashes to splinters." <Search> "You find fruit juice....perhaps not what you were hoping for." Hysterical.

My older cousin was at college in cali back then so he used to hook me up with the 'live' txt gaming when I was..uh..really little...like..toddlerish..or unborn...anyways...lol....I try to explain it to my kids and they are like...wait..you actually had to TYPE? OMG!

Jeez. I'm not THAT ancient!

Road Rash! Yeah!

Grimey you are reminding me of my first love, Might and Magic 2.
Your party is walking through a forest, accompanied by high tech midi footstep bips. You take a step towards one of the endlessly identical trees only to be faced with this message:
You have found the Door to H*ll. Open? [y] [n]
De doo de doo!!! (Highly alarming midi combat noise, signifying imminent doom and probable loss of all your forest exploration, as you can only save the game from inside an inn, which can only be found in a town, all of which are far away. Such a game saving problem makes wandering monsters so much more alarming and exciting.)
You are being attacked by:
1 Cat From H*ll
+99 Cats from H*ll
What would you like to do?
[F]ight lock [C]ast [R]un [W]hatever the heck other options there were
[R][R][R][R] RRRRRUUUUNNNNNNNN!! Damn you run you idiot! I told you to run! Why aren't you running! (Madly hammering on the R key) And now you're dead you idiot!

I replayed and replayed Might and Magic 3, and I still replay the heck out of Might and Magic 6.

I'm with Simon about Heroes 3, I think that's the best of the series.
Games that keep returning to my machine;
Crysis Demo + mods; good for a 20 minute game fix; shoot the Koreans then drive a hummer; offroad, back to the beach where you first encounter the Koreans.
Diablo II and LOD
Quake 2 + expansions
Serious Sam; First and Second Encounters
Sacred 1+ expansion
Titan Quest + expansion
Doom 3 + expansion + Classic Doom mod
Painkiller + expansions

I love Ages of Empires, too. I had the Gold version, I think, but it went missing. Sigh.

I also really like the Pokemon games; although there are new ones coming out pretty much every few months, I still like playing on the older versions that I have like Red and Crystal. I think I also have Emerald somewhere. Forgot about that one...

Recently I found free downloads of classic games I used to play on the Sega Megadrive. Games like Golden Axe and Streets of Rage. Awesome.

I always play The Legend of Zelda: the Ocarina of Time on the N64 when I get the chance. I will never tire of that game.
Ocarina of time
Donkey kong country
Mario 3
Age of wonders
Diablo 2 +LOD
Max Payne
Ogre battle 64
chrono trigger
Final fantasy 4,7,9 ,tactics
Mario Kart
Dungeon Keeper. With the brilliant level introductions.
I loved Myst although its been many years since I played it. Also enjoyed Heroes of Might and Magic V1 and I keep on playing Sims (I just like creating madness and mayhem in their lives.
I also used to play Day of the Tentacle (Lucas Arts) it's funny if you havn't played it for awhile what you actually forget.
There were some great old games though..........
I continue to play telnet games on occasion, but retromud is probably the closest thing to one that I would say calls to me.

Diablo I has much better atmosphere than II (Hello, where did the music go?); though I still play both.

Fallout sings a siren song that I can't resist, but its sovereignty is merely a function of an even older titan of gaming: Wasteland! (which sometimes my dad and I still play even to this day).

For FPS Deus Ex (first one only though) is crazy cool. I need to go find the discs for that game; its probably in the garage though...

I try not to play too many games though. I get too caught up in them. So its probably for the best that games like Diablo have to compete with Solitaire and Wii Fit in terms of time wasting (meaning it doesn't get more than an hour or so per day).

P.S. Galciv II is not a golden oldie. That is still one of the best (if not the best) 4x strategy game out there (the fact that it is in space and I can load up a Babylon 5 mod not withstanding).

P.S. Galciv II is not a golden oldie. That is still one of the best (if not the best) 4x strategy game out there (the fact that it is in space and I can load up a Babylon 5 mod not withstanding).


:rolleyes: Hmmm,

Still: continuing now or in the future as in the past.

Past: of the time before the present.

Present: existing or happening now; current.

Now I can start looking at the word oldie and what many dictionaries quote it as meaning (Informal an old song, film, or person), but I'm pretty sure I grasped what pyan was getting at when he asked his question:

Anyone else have a favourite game that they just keep coming back to?

Anyone else have an old-time favourite?

As Gal Civ II was released around the beginning of 2007, I would pretty much say it's not one of the current game releases. Granted, it's no Space Invaders or Pac-Man, but neither are your choices.
It is also a game that I have finished and gone back to 2 or 3 times. So please, let me choose what I have decided is one of my 'golden oldies' and you can stick to yours. :D
Now now...it's intended to be a fun, nostalgic thread. No need for criticism of anyone else's choice, and no need for any over-reaction to criticism...

I'd forgotten about some of my past favourites on the Spectrum and the Megadrive - I'd have to add in Sonic the Hedgehog, and Jet-Set Willy, both of which I have via emulator, and still play occasionally...

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