Westeros: The Game!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
Newcastle, UK
Just thought I'd post this from GRRM's official site.
It's the article entitled "Minatures, Minatures and more Minatures"
I used to play things like Warhammer 40K & suchlike when I was younger
What do people think of a fantasy tabletop game based on Westeros?

You could turn the battle of the Trident and put Robert on his backside! :)


Anyway, I think it has a lot of potential - possibly similar to the LoTR tabeltop game which has been doing the rounds

If it does take off - it could even be turned into a RPG - now wouldn't that be something! :cool:
I use to buy the Games workshop lead miniatures when I was younger, and recently spent daft amount of money on the LOTR miniatures but got bored of painting them. No doubt I will waste a daft amount of cash on these too.
Lacedaemonian said:
I use to buy the Games workshop lead miniatures when I was younger, and recently spent daft amount of money on the LOTR miniatures but got bored of painting them. No doubt I will waste a daft amount of cash on these too.

LOL Don't worry - we're all daft ;)
Gah miniatures....I never could see the point in all the time and effort...just use a stick with a name on it ffs!
Or get someone to model and render it for a 3d SSI, now that's worth the effort :)
The miniatures game looks like it could be good, but I'll have to see them before I pass judgment. The miniatures game genre has really taken off over the last 5 years or so ever since Wiz Kids introduced the click base Mage Knights, Mech Warrior and Hero Clix. Does anybody here play the card game from Fantasy Flight Games? That's actually a lot of fun. I haven't played it, but I've also heard good reviews for the board game, also by Fantasy Flight Games. Sort of Risk/Axis & Allies but set in Westeros.
Jeroam said:
The miniatures game looks like it could be good, but I'll have to see them before I pass judgment. The miniatures game genre has really taken off over the last 5 years or so ever since Wiz Kids introduced the click base Mage Knights, Mech Warrior and Hero Clix. Does anybody here play the card game from Fantasy Flight Games? That's actually a lot of fun. I haven't played it, but I've also heard good reviews for the board game, also by Fantasy Flight Games. Sort of Risk/Axis & Allies but set in Westeros.

I haven't played the card game, but the board game is very fun. It has also been the source of many conflicts in my family because everyone gets so involved. It's a rather complicated game to learn at first, but after a while it's a piece of cake. The best part about it is that, although it is very similar to Risk in some ways, it's actually more realistic- you have to muster your troops and make sure that you have enough provisions to support the numbers you have.

Highly recommended. :)
I'll agree with Arya whole-heartedly. My friends and I play the board game with a deadly fervor. And today (using "track package" feature) I found out that the expansion game (aptly titled "A Clash of Kings") is waiting on my doorstep. I'm itching to play using the expansion rules to see how it measures up to the original. Must resist urge to sneak out of work early.....
red_temple said:
I'll agree with Arya whole-heartedly. My friends and I play the board game with a deadly fervor. And today (using "track package" feature) I found out that the expansion game (aptly titled "A Clash of Kings") is waiting on my doorstep. I'm itching to play using the expansion rules to see how it measures up to the original. Must resist urge to sneak out of work early.....

My little bro got the expansion set, but I haven't had the opportunity to play it yet. Apprently there are seige towers and floating castles and all sorts of things to make it even more complicated. I'm excited to try it out, but I'm also a little intimidated. Oh yeah, I had a good look at the cards as well and they're better too.;)
Floating castles? Where are they in Clash of Kings?? :rolleyes:

just out interest, do you think there are any houses which are inherently 'stronger' to play at the beginning. I've only managed to play this once and I romantically went for House Stark and got beaten very easily - course that could just be because I was rubbish! :)
In our gameplay, the sides seem to be fairly balanced. We've probably played about 12-15 times, and I'd say the distribution is fairly even - each house has had at least 2 victories as I recall.

As for the strength of the Starks, I have drawn House Stark twice and won both times I had them. I've not done well at all each time I had Lannister and Tyrell, though.

I looked at the new rules a bit last night. Can't wait to use the new house cards in the expansion set!!! Lannister now has the Hound and Gregor. And Dorne has been added as a sixth house. Also, it looks like the "floating fortifications" are not floating in a sense that they are "at sea." They are fortifications that you can opt to build on ground territories that you own. I could be wrong on this, though - I did not read the rules last night. I only had time to look at all the pictures.:)
Winters_Sorrow said:
Floating castles? Where are they in Clash of Kings?? :rolleyes:

just out interest, do you think there are any houses which are inherently 'stronger' to play at the beginning. I've only managed to play this once and I romantically went for House Stark and got beaten very easily - course that could just be because I was rubbish! :)

Well, I've won playing every house (note: I haven't played the expansion set), but I'd have to say that it really boils down to who you're playing against. The great thing about the game is that you have an opportunity to cultivate different playing styles. My brother is exceptionally shrewd with the usage of ships. Different people obviously go for different strategies/tactics. In addition, different houses have different advantages. Tyrells are great to play because there are more supplies, and thus you can support more troops- but they're more isolated as well. Lannisters and Baratheon have more power (money), so they're easier in that way. But I have to say that I enjoy playing the Starks and the Tyrells because they're a bit more isolated and thus it is easy to claim more territories before entangling all of your forces with other players. :D
I would love to play the board game, but I know nobody who has read these novels. Is this best played as a two playe rgame or do you recommend more? It is high time that I pressured people into reading this series, even if it is just to play this game. I am fairly bummed out that you lot have got to play this. :)
The more you get to play, the better. Up to 5 can play, and it works best if all 5 houses are in use. 4 players works fairly well, but I wouldn't recommend any less than that.

BTW, in my gaming group, I'm the only one who has read the novels. The rest of my friends are illiterate. :) I guess I'm trying to say that you *definitely* do not have to read the novels to have a blast playing the game. All of my gaming group absolutely love this game. Some of them may be developing a curiosity towards the novels, and, of course, I'm trying to subtly nurture their interest. Not too overtly, though, I don't want to scare them away...
I remember reading somewhere that somebody had set up some online version of this game. Perhaps this is the only way I will ever realise my dream of playing this game. It would be good fun linking up with some of you people and playing some online enterprise of this game. One day.
Mentioned at the top of this thread was that somebody would sooner or later bring out a Song of Ice and Fire RPG, well, its been in production for about a year and a half and is about to be released in June 05. Just thought i'd mention it, follow the link below for more info!

Hi Winters_Sorrow, thanks for the welcome!

It will be released with 2 systems to use, both in the main rulebook. 1 is the d20 system, which is the current D&D mechanic. 2 is the Tri-stat system, this was created by the game publishers. They are very different rulesets, but will cater for almost everyones taste.

After this Deluxe edition, they will be released as 2 seperate books, one for each system. I already have my pre-order in for the Deluxe edition and was lucky enough to get one of the first 500, which means that it will be signed by GRRM!!!

This main rulebook will also be the sourcebook for AGOT adventures, with other books coming out periodically for the other novels. They spent a lot of time with westeros.org getting every detail right. It is also said that GRRM had to approve every word of it, to make sure it lived up to his high standard. I know of a few people who dont roleplay, but are buying this for the comprehensive companion to the novels.

Fantastic eh!
seems very good - shame it's limited to 500 copies though

oh well, I'll have to settle for an ordinary version ;)
Do you know what they mean by Tri-Stat system - first time I've come across the name. Also do you have any idea of what sort of character classes will be available?
I'm guessing Hedge Knight, Landed Knight, Bloodrider, Mercenary, Pyke Sea Reaver but any other interesting ones? (A Faceless Man might be intriguing... :) )

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