Kahn in the original series?


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Dec 8, 2007
Somewhere near Jupiter
Watched Wrath of Kahn earlier where it is announced that Kahn is back, but I can't remember seeing Kahn in the original series! Was it one episode or was he a recurring character? I used to love ST but it was an awfully long time ago and these days you only see the odd episode now and then.
As I recall he appeard in a single (or maybe two) episodes. The episode I remember he was on a sleeper ship with others of his kind and that after encountering kirk I think that they faught and the ship was crippled or some such.
It was a long time ago now so I don't recall as much
Watched Wrath of Kahn earlier where it is announced that Kahn is back, but I can't remember seeing Kahn in the original series! Was it one episode or was he a recurring character? I used to love ST but it was an awfully long time ago and these days you only see the odd episode now and then.

I just watched it on HBO or something the other day, so maybe we were watching it at the same time?

I don't know the answer to your question tho.
I just watched it on HBO or something the other day, so maybe we were watching it at the same time?

I don't know the answer to your question tho.

No i watched it on DVD-we have most of the Star Trek collector's edition set and all the films.
(See my post in Last Movie You Watched)
Khan was in the original epiode in an episode called 'Space Seed'.

Space Seed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

he looks young! :D

Ah indeed he does look young! I remember his face now!
The only thing is that in Wrath of Kahn he blames Kirk for the death of his wife or fiance years before,which I presume refers to that early episode but isn't mentioned in the Wiki,probably to avoid spoilers I suppose
He was only in the single episode. The ships's historian was infatuated with Kahn, and helped him escape and take over the Enterprise. Kirk abandoned them all on a planet, which was a kind of exile. The story is continued in the film when it is revealed that the star changed, or the planet orbit changed (I forget) and the planet became hotter and a desert. She died from the tough conditions, but Kirk could not have predicted that would happen.
I caught the episode of Enterprise the other day where they start that story line off with Doctor Soong (Data's father) createing the first 'Enhanced'.
I like the way, even if its in the wrong order, they are shoring up the story lines from the other series.
I caught the episode of Enterprise the other day where they start that story line off with Doctor Soong (Data's father) createing the first 'Enhanced'.
I like the way, even if its in the wrong order, they are shoring up the story lines from the other series.

If it was Enterprise more like Data's Grandfather or Great Grandfather
Yes it wasn't his father, but did you known that the Eugenics Wars were meant to have been a World War that took place on Earth in 1997. Clearly, I was asleep when that happened. Hardly, "shoring up the story lines from the other series", I thought Enterprise just 'mucked up' most of them. I didn't like their contribution to the 'Klingon Genetic Question' either. We all know why certain changes were made - mostly better SFX and Make-up - and we are aware that a Blackberry and an iPhone are way superior to a communicator. Wouldn't it be better just to leave some things as they were? They wouldn't rewrite '50's and '60's SF novels in this way - as an example, image Arthur C Clarke's A Fall of Moondust without any seas of Moondust.
Yes it wasn't his father, but did you known that the Eugenics Wars were meant to have been a World War that took place on Earth in 1997.

There was a trilogy of books I believe that cover the early life of Kahn.
Well to be fair i was heavely medicated when i watched the Ep, and only caught the first of the 3 parter.
The whole Klingon thing was never explained in other shows (as far as i can recall) apart from Worf in Trials and Tribble-ations when he says "its a long story", so IMO that was a good way of explaining that one.
I know hardcore fans will always pick holes, but from an average viewers point of view i quite like 'most' of what they do in Enterpries.
I think the problem is you didn't need to be a hard-core fan to pick holes in Enterprise ;)

It did have a tricky position as Startreck took a big turn from the first (original) series to the Next Generation - moving in a big way away from the monster of the week to a structured longer story arch (we also saw this change really start with the Original films).
So there is a lot in the Original series that fans polity ignore (ie the vast number of Q/God like beings in the universe); but I still think that Enterprise messed things up with the temporal wars and just generally muddying the water.
Not seen much of Enterprise, unlike the other series, but I thought the ending of the whole series was pretty atrocious. If I'd been watching it every week I'd be hacked off with that.

I think it was a mistake to go back that far. They could've either gone in between TOS and TNG, quite easily, or carried on in a well-defined 24th century. I hope Star Trek comes back, but not too soon.
I think it was a mistake to go back that far. They could've either gone in between TOS and TNG, quite easily, or carried on in a well-defined 24th century. I hope Star Trek comes back, but not too soon.

I will most likely be told i'm wrong here but i think there were a series of books about that time, following an episode of TNG where they encounter the Enterprise C which was lost inside an rift while battleing romulans (may have been Klingons, i can't recall). but when they found it it changed history and the humans were in a major war, until it was sent back into the rift.... i seem to recall that the C had a female captain and (i think) Tasha yar made a brief come back for that one.

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