No animal genders in the west?


Searching for a flower
Aug 22, 2007
Hunting in the woods
Ok I am sure I am not the only one to notice this but - why is it that western animations don't have any genders in the animal populations? When you watch anime one sees animals with genetalia and generally a level of detail round the back end - whilst when you watch western animations one tends to only ever be able to determin the gender of an animal by the voiceover. Clearly since key animals have roles in the story it can't be that the gender role is left to the last stage (after animation) before its decided on - so why do they lack these key aspects of physiology?

Could it be that animators in the west are just lazy with details when compared to their eastern counterparts or could it be that all animals in film are clothed?

It just seems odd that we treat our children (as western animation is very much focused on the younger generations - even anime gets kiddified when it comes over many times) as foolish or incapable of dealing with such aspects of life.

and then - then things get really silly
YouTube - Barnyard Trailer

I mean come on surely some one noticed this before they finished!
No, its because most parents would freak out because they think their children will never see any form of animal genitalia.

I would imagine that the reasoning is that once you give them human voices and human personalities they stop being representations of real animals.
Actually, if the show is meant for kids, I can understand sheltering them from it for a little while. But I still expect that parents should get around to discussing these things with their children before they run off and learn it somewhere else.

The real unfortunate thing about animation here (let's say locally in Maryland, although I can probably project that this attitude extends throughout the country; otherwise, I really can't say for other Western countries) is the mistaken assumption that it's only for kids. Whenever my stepfather sees me watching anime he says, "Why are you watching funnies? You're not a kid anymore."

The word "funnies" might apply to some anime, but usually not to the anime I watch. I try to explain to him that it's meant for adults, and then he says, "Anything can be made dirty." So first I'm watching funnies, then I'm watching porn? No middle ground for you, eh? :D

Of course, when I tell him the reason is sometimes because of explicit material, but often also for violence and that the stories are complex, difficult for younger viewers to follow - well, then he's even less interested. Or he pretends to be. I caught watching Claymore with me once...

Anyway, I digress. I started this with the intention of pointing that gender actually is depicted in the art and animation as well as the voice in Western animation. My son, who is deaf, can tell you which animals are male and which are female by looking at them. It's in the body language and shape of the character, and other minute details.

Barnyard is just silly. I mean ridiculous. While I thought the film was hilarious myself, I was secretly snickering behind my back about the rudders...
The "animation is only for kids" is a major pain I have with anime translations (either dubs or subs). Since many western television groups will edit the shows content and tailor the english script (dub and sub) towards a younger generation - often with the built in "dumbing down" factor thrown in.
It also means that anime most likley to get translated and have a european release are also the younger generation stuff - the older generation material sadly, tends to be ignored as "not suitable" for a western market...
The "animation is only for kids" is a major pain I have with anime translations (either dubs or subs). Since many western television groups will edit the shows content and tailor the english script (dub and sub) towards a younger generation - often with the built in "dumbing down" factor thrown in.
It also means that anime most likley to get translated and have a european release are also the younger generation stuff - the older generation material sadly, tends to be ignored as "not suitable" for a western market...

It is sad, isn't it? Well, hopefully at least some translators try to do the work some justice. Otherwise we wouldn't be seeing women naked from the waist up on Adult Swim, would we (ignoring the fact that Adult Swim has its own problems)? And, while it might be dubbed, shows like Witch Hunter Robin maintain at least some of their complexity on Adult Swim (otherwise I never would have sought out better versions online).

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