(Found) Need help remembering a Fantasy series


Jun 23, 2009
Hey guys!

I remember reading the first in a series of books a couple of years ago. I really want to read it again and read the rest of the series, but I can't remember the title nor the author :(

The story is about a boy and a group of family members who travel like a group of gypsies, and one wizard-person teaches him how to 'sharpen his mind' or something with games. Then his family is murdered and the boy is the only survivor and he goes to live in a city. He saves money and goes to an academy for wizards/sorcerers/whatever ;) I also remember something like how they had to use their own bodyheat to make a candle burn?

If you know what I'm talking about:
1. You are awesome
2. I can't thank you enough :)
The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

And while I am indisputably awesome in other ways, the book has been read and discussed by so many people here, you were sure to get an answer from someone else, had I not happened to get here first.

I think you are going to have to wait on the rest of the series though, because the sequel hasn't been published yet.
Thank you :D

And I had no idea it was discussed that much! I'll check what people have to say about it ;)
I say it is awesome. And I want the next book! Now! and the one after it too/

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