Spinoffs from the Dark Tower Series Possible?


More Machine than Human
Jul 4, 2009
I'm a very picky novel reader, yet I have endless
I'll start out by saying I haven't read the series. I have the first book. Period.

I was just thinking, there's seven books, so obviously it's a fairly long storyline. I was just thinking, could it be possible to do spinoffs of things happening within the series?
Many of King's other books have inter-related characters and story lines. Especially 'Salem's Lot and The Stand, as well as many others. One could say that most of King's books are in one way or another spin offs of Dark Tower. You'd have to read all the Tower series and most of his other books to get that. Flagg is a character repeated in several books of King's, also. As well as the Crimson King, and the Lowmen.

I also find some relations between King's work as Bachman and the Tower series, especially Desperation and The Regulators, both those books have a very Tower fell to them, if its not outright defined as such.


King seems to find it very difficult to let his characters rest in peace. I wouldn't bank on there being a spin-off , but it would suprise me if some of the characters didn't find there way into future novels
As mentioned, The Dark Tower series does stand very much in the centre of King's work, with many links back to it, or spreading out from it into other novels -- it's something that is commonplace in all of his stuff, really, with links branching out everywhere (something which I'm trying to keep track off in my "King's Universe" thread).

There have already been some spin-offs, as it were. Insomnia is very much a "Tower" novel, with it being specifically mentioned, and the Crimson King and even Roland making a very brief appearance (of sorts). One of the stories in Hearts in Atlantis followers a side character from the Dark Tower series, detailing his story when he drops out of the Dark Tower storyline for a while. There's also a short story in Everything's Eventual that details some events that Roland gets up to before the Dark Tower series plot got going. And as mentioned, Flagg tends to pop up all over the place.

I'd overall just suggest reading through the Dark Tower series and get to know just what an overarching story it is, and how complex the woven web of links and ties is that bind all of King's novels.
I mean more in the sense of it still being involved "In the Dark Tower series" but spinoff events happening during the stories...here's a really bad example with another series, I know this can't be done, but it'd give you a better idea of what I mean:

The Harry Potter series, what happens during a class - or an event, and someone writing a story based on that class / event.

That's what I mean.
Considering that DT is essentially about one central support pillar for all possible universes and dimensions of existence, one could state that all of King's novels are spin offs of DT. However, unless you've read all of DT and all of everything else of King's like Hoopy (I haven't read ALL of them...but pretty dang close), you wouldn't really know that. But everything King writes seems to have some undertones or outright relationship to DT.
I know it seems like I've really everything that's flowed from King's fingertips (including every shopping list and memo) but I actually haven't -- there's still a few books of his that I need to get and read. And even a couple that I actually have that still need to be read...

Dear me, there goes my reputation as King Fanatic...
Considering that DT is essentially about one central support pillar for all possible universes and dimensions of existence, one could state that all of King's novels are spin offs of DT. However, unless you've read all of DT and all of everything else of King's like Hoopy (I haven't read ALL of them...but pretty dang close), you wouldn't really know that. But everything King writes seems to have some undertones or outright relationship to DT.

Uhm...then how does Cell? Try that one.

I challenge you to a duel!!


Cell-- A "half-constructed kiddie ride" at Kashwak is named Charlie the Choo-Choo, which is also the name of a plot-important children's book in The Dark Tower series. Also, the graphic novel that Clay sells prior to the Pulse is called Dark Wanderer, a story (as his wife puts it) involving "apocalypse cowboys." The story, and its characters, are likely a reference to The Dark Tower series and the gunslingers of King's apocalyptic fantasy world. Most notably, the protagonist of Clay's novel is named Ray Damon, who shares the initials of Roland Deschain, the hero of The Dark Tower Series. King frequently creates alter-egos of repeated characters with identical initials, such as Randall Flagg. There is also a recurring motif, in which many of King's villains are linked in one way or another: The Raggedy Man wears a red hooded garment, which mirrors one of the many forms of the Crimson King, who is the main antagonist of The Dark Tower series. The Raggedy Man wears a Harvard sweatshirt; Harvard's sports teams and daily newspaper are both nicknamed Crimson, another allusion to the Crimson King.

Uhm...I guess I have to read more...I just thought uhm, some messed up cell phone and a book that was released later than the Dark Tower series didn't really make sense at all on how they could connect whatsoever. If you think about it, some guy chasing after another guy in a seven-story series, but then you've got another book with a cell phone...see what I mean?
Really...read the series. It's not just about some guy chasing another guy. That's pretty much over by the end of the first book!

The links are very rarely big, book-shattering ones, or events in two different novels that could easily just fold into each other. But there are enough little instances that seek to remind you that the Dark Tower, like the 'building' itself, stands at the centre of it all.

Obviously his very early stuff doesn't link to the Dark Tower (unless something written then is used in the later Dark Tower books, like a certain character disappearing out of one of his very early novels and then ending up in the latter part of the Dark Tower), having not been started yet, but even these early novels often link to other ones in some very small way, even if it's through location or very minor characters that pop up or make a brief appearance in different books.
My husband and I always said you could tell when King needed to work on the Tower again because it started to "leak out" into everything else he was writing.
Hoopy, how does Misery fit into The Tower?
(I really want to know.)

true, all (or most) of King's works have a DT feel to them in some or the other way, i do think proper spin-offs are possible!

How about Ted Brautigan's (one of the Breakers) character and his breaker-tet after they part from Susanna in the DT series (before is already too similar to Pere Callaghan's)? Or Sheemie's journey from the village idiot to a powerful teleporter/breaker? Or the story of the Prim and the Beams itself and how and why the prim retreated? The Tet Corporation and its actions against Sombra and North Central Positronics till they meet with Roland again in the DT series?

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