Would you recommend David Eddings?

The Belgariad books were quite good.(y)
Hi guys new to the forums here and just want some opinions from fellow fantasy readers.

I am a huge fan of science fantasy having read the works of Terry Brooks, Raymond E Feist, Robert Jordan, Robin Hobb and David Gemmell to name afew.

I have always steered clear of David Eddings, i can't say why maybe just preconcieved notions? maybe it was whispered to me when i was very young that his books were no good? :)

I recently read "Redemption of Althalus" and really enjoyed it, however from wat i've read on here this seems to be his most unpopular work. Is that because it is so different from his other books or more of the subject matter/writing in itself?

Basically i'm asking if you would recommend Eddings to someone based on the fact that they enjoy the aforementioned authors.
Thx in advance guys.

One of my all time favorite authors and series. Absolutely i would suggest reading it.
How long does a 'second childhood' usually last?

I first read Eddings at around 25, so if those who claim his work is for kids are right, my 'second childhood' began right there. I'd already been through two town libraries' SF and fantasy shelves, filling in the gaps with the reservations system. That was in the three or four years after I first read Donaldson's first two 'Covenant' trilogies.

The rest of the time I filled up with whatever I could trawl from the four charity shops within reach - this was before the advent of the 'management team': a completely self-serving parasitic organism that attaches itself to a charity* and feeds hugely whilst forcing ten-fold price rises in order to mitigate the loss it causes to the host.

I'm going to count the first sixteen years of my sentence here as my first childhood - the law says sixteen is the age at which one ceases to be a child, and I can see no reason to disagree. So my entire adult existence must amount to 9 years. I still like Eddings' work, have done since that first meeting, and that was 28 years ago now, so the 'second childhood' that started with 'Pawn of Prophecy' continues to this day. That's 12 years longer than the first one.

Hmm. Sort of explains a few things, I suppose. Anyone who knows me IRL would probably say more than a few.

And now an interlude where I partake of a heart-felt rant. I may even finish on a song.

*When they acquire a 'management team', a large charity with many retail outlets immediately drops 50% of its charitable point. That 50 % includes their take on 'charity begins at home'. Any 'charity shop' is a two-way street - the donated goods are sold and the profits used to benefit the charity's chosen 'good cause' being one way. However, there is a second string to their bow, in that those who enter their premises seeking to make a purchase are also, in the majority of cases, in search of charity. After all, most people who could afford the goods new would purchase them so.

Now, with the advent of the 'management team', those venturing into such places are seen only as sources of cash to be gouged for all they'll bear. Those in real need of charity have a new real need - to stay away from those places, where the prices are higher for many things than the goods were new in their last promotion. There is no 'two-way' thought in their single-track minds, only the lust for the vital fluids they suck from the zombified corpses of once-respected charities as they transform them into corporate cyborg gangster outfits, turning little old ladies into bagmen, turning customers into marks, turning those in need of charity away.

I name no names. But if you have charity shops in your area that are there to benefit something local, those are the folks to help - animal sanctuary, local hospice, Lions, whatever. If they have only one or two shops they still have their 'souls' as they're beneath the notice of the parasites. The ones to avoid are those with outlets in every town and city, places that are 'redecorated' every couple of years, at a cost of many Zigblats per site, amounting to lottery prize numbers - and there's only the profits from the outlets to pay for it with, the stuff that used to go to the 'good cause', like the oodles of Zigblats that the 'management team' deem themselves worth , the oodles more in 'expenses', the company cars and 'area managers' salaries.

No names, but you know who they are. You can choose to patronise their premises, and help the 'area manager' upgrade his company car to a Jag. Or you could stick with the locals, enjoy better prices, and maybe make a cat you never met smile (well, on the inside).

The song has been cancelled due to lack of talent, threats from neighbours and unacceptable risk to nearby structures.

so if those who claim his work is for kids are right,
I don't think it's for kids.

Yes, I know about the Charity shops that think they should only help their direct cause and make clothes & books etc inaccessible to the poor.

Few of the people they are pricing at are interested in second hand / used stuff, so they rotate stock dumping the unsold and depriving the poor of the donated items.
I read The Diamond Throne and thought it was good not great. He seems to skip over the fight scenes, but his humour is good. Not sure what the rest are like, I heard his plots are repetitive.
Loved the Belgariad when I read it as a 20-something. Having taken a quick shufty through it recently, however, it hasn't aged that well. It is simplistic and repetitive, but it does have a certain charm and memorable characters.

I wouldn't characterise Eddings as a hack...but there is better out there.
I'd recommend them for sure. Some great characters - Silk being my fave :)

Not heavy going hardcore FF - but a good antidote to stuff that is :)
I would highly recommend The Belgariad series and the later works which relate to it (Belgarath the Sorcerer, Polgara the Sorceress and The Rivan Codex). Language wise it may seem as if the books were addressed to children, however as an adult I still appreciated them greatly. They have this warm and positive feeling about them :).

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