A Feast for Crows: sample chapters

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
I thought I'd bring these together from the earlier threads - a collection of sample chapters for A Feast for Crows which are available online:

The Prophet

Of course, none of these are guaranteed to be in it, but for those of us just finished A Storm of Swords and need new meat to chew...
The arya link seems to be working, any chance of getting the Ceresi link up there too.
I don't think the Cercei chapter exists online. Its the preview chapter at the end of the paperback edition of A Storm of Swords.

I could be wrong though...
There is a Cercei chapter at the end of the one volume paperback published in North America. I know that ASoS was published in two volumes in some countries, so perhaps the chapter isn't included in that edition.

Actually, I just read that Cercei chapter a minute ago to refresh my memory... methinks we are all going to become Kevan Lannister fans. :)
Lacedaemonian said:
I have read it somewhere online Brian. Kevan is not the push over we thought that he was. :)
He certainly isn't. And Cersei isn't as smart, cold and calculating as Lord Tywin. She revealed certain weaknesses in this chapter.
I read the ceresi chapter on Martin's webpage. It used to be on rotation with danny's and arya's but way before the prophet.
Gotta love Kevan Lannister. Too bad it appears he isn't going to last long. There was a bit of nasty foreshadowing at the end of that Cercei chapter.
Some really deep and hidden insecurities swim to the surface in her chapter...both old ones and her new panic as she realises she's a bit lost without her father...

But I don't think she'll be able to go against Ser Kevan...
Consider the image of red wine dripping from Kevan's chin and neck..... highly suggestive of a bad end down the road.
I didn't read into Kevans sloppy drinking habits, but it does seem very symbolic. We will have to wait and see.
I was just on GRRM's official site and (joy of joys!) noticed that there was an update dated today...and it was in the Samples section!!

Imagine my horror when I discovered it was a re-posting of the Cersei chapter

Argh!!!! :mad:
Check the chapter carefully... quite often when GRRM re-posts a chapter he has altered the content significantly. Sometimes I wonder if he gauges his fans reactions to certain things. He says he doesn't visit fan sites, but I don't know.
maybe he saw that we couldn't pull up a copy of the ceresi page at first and posted for us. Along those lines has anyone found that Jon Snow chapter he posted a few months ago :p .
As I suspected, the chapter Martin just post differs from the previous incarnations. So far, a few pages in, they are minor differences... a sentence here, a bit of polishing there. If there is anything groundbreaking, I'll mention it.

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