Silly Author Person
Which is almost never as it should be... 
The last month or so has been busy. I finally finished writing my latest novel Thunder Hammer, and I am fairly pleased with the resulting book. Of course, I am currently letting it simmer before I go on and try to get it edited and into submission.
I also just finished writing a novella titled Indigo Nights, which is a work I started several years ago after the publication of my novella The King's Wind. It continues the story of Rhys the mageborn healer who dwells in Broken Wall. Rhys first appeared in a short story titled "The Gift" that was published in Low Port edited by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. I then wrote The King's Wind and while it was working its way through the editorial process, came up with the idea for Indigo Nights.
Meanwhile, I have two different small press publishers interested in looking at books of mine, and another editor has approached me about doing some work for hire (sorry, can't say more about that at this time--under oath and all).
Suffice to say I am busy.
On the health front, I apparently have developed a serious case of carpal tunnel in my right hand. It interferes in my typing somewhat, and in my drawing and harp playing and fencing greatly. My healer and I are trying to find solutions because I really don't want to have the surgery as I have heard the success rate is only about 75%, and many people say it comes back after a couple of years...
So far Excedrin and sleeping with a carpal brace at night are keeping me from getting depressed over the pain. But I really wish it would go away.
Yeah, I know, getting older sucks... I'm fifty-four (going on fifty-five) and used to think I was pretty healthy. But between the carpal and the onset of osteoarthritis, I am starting to wonder.
Oh, well...
That's life, I suppose.
Never what you want it to be.
Laura J. Underwood
The last month or so has been busy. I finally finished writing my latest novel Thunder Hammer, and I am fairly pleased with the resulting book. Of course, I am currently letting it simmer before I go on and try to get it edited and into submission.
I also just finished writing a novella titled Indigo Nights, which is a work I started several years ago after the publication of my novella The King's Wind. It continues the story of Rhys the mageborn healer who dwells in Broken Wall. Rhys first appeared in a short story titled "The Gift" that was published in Low Port edited by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. I then wrote The King's Wind and while it was working its way through the editorial process, came up with the idea for Indigo Nights.
Meanwhile, I have two different small press publishers interested in looking at books of mine, and another editor has approached me about doing some work for hire (sorry, can't say more about that at this time--under oath and all).
Suffice to say I am busy.
On the health front, I apparently have developed a serious case of carpal tunnel in my right hand. It interferes in my typing somewhat, and in my drawing and harp playing and fencing greatly. My healer and I are trying to find solutions because I really don't want to have the surgery as I have heard the success rate is only about 75%, and many people say it comes back after a couple of years...
So far Excedrin and sleeping with a carpal brace at night are keeping me from getting depressed over the pain. But I really wish it would go away.
Yeah, I know, getting older sucks... I'm fifty-four (going on fifty-five) and used to think I was pretty healthy. But between the carpal and the onset of osteoarthritis, I am starting to wonder.
Oh, well...
That's life, I suppose.
Never what you want it to be.
Laura J. Underwood