Happy 70th Birthday Marvel!


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Dec 8, 2007
Somewhere near Jupiter
August marks the 70th anniversary of the comic's inception and to mark the occasion they are reissuing the first issue next month! I've never read the comic but I will look out for this!
Wow. 70 years, that's incredible. It's always so good to see something in SF with longjevity.
Anyone been able to find one yet or knows when it comes out? I looked in Smith's the other day but could see #35 and strangely #8! They must use a strange numbering system!
Funny thing about this is I remember when they were going by the 25th anniversary in the 80's and put the special covers on all of the books (had them all at one point)... Now we've jumped to the 70th birthday in 20 years! I guess they decided to go back to when Cap and others popped out rather than when they were originally called Marvel. That's ok though!
Heard an interview with Orson Scott Card on PBS this week. He says that Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow will be published by Marvel as Graphic Novels.
