I suppose my unfortunate habit of single-spacing documents dates from my first real printer, an expensive, slooow and jack-hammer noisy 9-pin Epson dot-matrix tractor-feed with ribbon cartridge. I fed it professional-quality 'micro-perf' fan-fold, but even that expensive stuff earned me a bunch of instant rejection slips after the six months required to float up the 'un-established' queue...
Fuzzy-edged *and* wrong size....
To add insult to injury, I could NOT get US-sized fanfold in UK, two 'gotchas' which made for a peneplain-flat learning curve...
After years of slooow, thirsty, but blessedly quiet ink-jets, I bought a modest laser-printer. My now-discontinued Samsung takes a 'one-pack consumables' insert. It runs via USB, the modest driver makes no fuss, and it can quietly print fifty B&W pages in a couple of minutes from cold...
I've also got a super 'all in one' HP photo-smart with scanner, card slots, phot-quality tray etc. That shares my NAS boxes' local network, but the mega-driver cyber-squats this modest browser-PC, so I only wake it when I need colour or a one-touch photo-copy.
FWIW, I've also got a Dymo USB label-printer...
How much printing will you do after this project ?? Should you have taken your document to a print-shop ? Should you look for a laser-printer with extension tray that takes a '500' paper pack ??
I'm not sure of the break-even point for laser consumables but, if you plan to do a *lot* of printing, you should consider a 'laser' with seperate toner and drum.
Also, consider a laser printer with networking, wired and/or wireless. Rest of family will *love* you...