Ignorance Excerpt 2-4

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Jul 29, 2009
I tried cutting down the article mentioned in the previous versions of this Excerpt. I would like to know if it is any easier to understand.

Before I made it out the door I noticed that my computer had been turned on again. There still wasn’t any sign of intrusion and I was positive that I did not turn it on. A web page with an article was displayed on it. The article was titledThe Soul andCumulusand an air of importance surrounding it drew me in.

Cumulus in the scientific sense is the system of soul transport through alternate dimensions. The original definition referring to a certain cloud formation is no longer the only definition this word has. The following is intended to provide a very basic understanding of this phenomenon.

The Soul and Its purpose

At the exact time a conscious being dies the soul is preprogrammed to be released from the living organism. The soul then travels around until it finds another living organism and attaches itself to the organism’s brain. Some scientists argue that this attachment can only occur at some point during the organism’s prenatal development.

The purpose of the soul is to pass on data that can not be passed on genetically. Some theorists argue that the passing on of the soul only occurs among the same species in order to aid in biological evolution. Others argue the opposite of this. They believe that the soul ties all forms of sentient life together, which helps keep the balance of the natural world intact.

Some theorists take the middle ground by claiming that the majority of soul transport is species specific, just not always. A small number of these theorists claim that inhuman souls are forced to inhabit humans, because humans occasionally cause the unnecessary extinction of other species. Many people are angered by this idea, but if you look at it objectively it becomes something more than just the ramblings of some fanatical environmentalist.

The Dangers of a Malfunctioning Soul

Violent and traumatic death has been proven to cause malfunctions in parts of the soul. It is…

The computer screen suddenly went blank. I started moving the mouse around and pressing a few keys on the keyboard. Nothing happened. Frantically smashing the keyboard and thrashing the mouse about I heard the noise my laptop makes when it has just finished shutting down. I pressed the on button and the computer booted back up. I looked up my browser’s history and selected the article. Instead of the article I got a 404 error. It said that the web page was not available. I refreshed the page several times, but the article still would not show up. I logged on and off of the internet, restarted the computer, and rebooted the computer. Nothing worked and I was starting to get fed up.
A condensed version of the entire article to be divided into four separate parts.

The Soul and Cumulus

Cumulus in the scientific sense is the system of soul transport through alternate dimensions. The original definition referring to a certain cloud formation is no longer the only definition this word has. The following is intended to provide a very basic understanding of this phenomenon.

The Soul and Its purpose

At the exact time a conscious being dies the soul is preprogrammed to be released from the living organism. The soul then travels around until it finds another living organism and attaches itself to the organism’s brain. Some scientists argue that this attachment can only occur at some point during the organism’s prenatal development.

The purpose of the soul is to pass on data that can not be passed on genetically. Some theorists argue that the passing on of the soul only occurs among the same species in order to aid in biological evolution. Others argue the opposite of this. They believe that the soul ties all forms of sentient life together, which helps keep the balance of the natural world intact.

Some theorists take the middle ground by claiming that the majority of soul transport is species specific, just not always. A small number of these theorists claim that inhuman souls are forced to inhabit humans, because humans occasionally cause the unnecessary extinction of other species. Many people are angered by this idea, but if you look at it objectively it becomes something more than just the ramblings of some fanatical environmentalist.

The Dangers of a Malfunctioning Soul

Violent and traumatic death has been proven to cause malfunctions in parts of the soul. Scientists have observed that the malfunctioning souls act as free radicals that can damage surrounding molecular structures. The molecular world has ways of repairing itself over time, but traumatic death can occur in great mass. Upon the arrival of humanity things such as war and genocide came with it. With millions of traumatic deaths occurring at the same time the resulting damage would be irreversible.

Soul Fragments

Souls normally exist as an array of subatomic structures called soul fragments. These soul fragments are too small to cause damage to larger molecular particles. At the same time they are too small to function on their own, which is why one soul is made up of millions upon billions upon trillions of subatomic particles.

A soul can still function even if its subatomic particles are scattered all throughout the world. In other words, the soul fragments remain connected regardless of how far apart they are from each other. This is necessary because subatomic particles belonging to one soul are drawn towards each other and could potentially reassemble into a molecular structure that is large enough to damage other molecular particles.


Soul fragments travel between alternate dimensions in a complex system that holds the very fabric of existence together. Soul fragments are not allowed to come and go between dimensions as they please. They first have to pass a checkpoint located in a space between dimensions. This checkpoint will either let the soul fragment pass or tell the fragment to unite with a living organism.

Genetically identical versions of the same organism can be found in many different dimensions. An identical organism in one dimension and an identical organism in another dimension typically have soul fragments from the same soul.

The Cost of Discovery

Nearly two thousand years ago a giant hole was discovered in outer space. Shortly after this discovery, holes like this started showing up in other places including Earth. Some of these holes would be large enough to swallow Jupiter while others were as small as the point on a pin. The discovery of these holes is what led to the discovery of Cumulus.

Soul fragments were discovered after scientists started looking for these holes at the microscopic level. It took a great deal of time and effort, but they eventually did find microscopic holes. When the scientists observed one of these holes they saw strange molecular complexes traveling in and out of it. This molecular complex had a function that fit the description of what is often called the soul.

At the time, they were not aware of the fact that these molecular complexes were made up of subatomic particles. Scientists now realize that these holes are supposed to be subatomic in size. The fact that these holes have been appearing in such massive size is not a good sign.
Well, I already told you in the other thread what's wrong with this so I'm not going to say it again.
Transmigration of souls...

Um, I can't quibble with the concept given an accidental swap is the basis of a weird trilogy of tales I've just written...

Writer's prerogative to re-invent reality, but watch out for those genuine astronomical black-holes, mass ranging from stellar to galactic-core, and their constraints upon plot-bunnies...

I didn't see the other excerpt, so I'll just go with today's: IMHO, handled this way, it is just too much of an info-dump. To have the protagonist mutter / remember a few phrases may be okay, to put this much in as-is would take a much better writer than me to carry off.

Can you still recover pages from your PC's browser-cache ? Or was this a 'secure' page, flagged as do-not-cache ? A lengthy struggle to retrieve and scrutinise paragraphs might dilute the dump...

Also, Google or other search engine may have cached scraps of text...

FWIW, I've done a lot of 3D CAD work, remember my dial-up days when free mesh sites and pages would 'evaporate' to 404 in the course of an evening. From time to time, I went back and checked a long list of URLs that would vanish days or weeks into month, or months into year, when their free bandwidth ran out. Some announced they'd run out of megabytes, others just went '404'. Then there were sites that went on to sell a few inexpensive meshes: Not pirated, these were genuine home-made $5 or $10 models, but still in breach of server's terms & conditions on fair use, specifically 'commercial trading'. Mention shareware or pay-pal, and the plug was pulled...
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