(Found) Need help finding a lost fantasy book


New Member
Aug 19, 2009
I really need a fantasy buffs book knowledge. A couple of years ago i read a really good fantasy trilogy but i cant remember the name or the author for the life of me. However i can remember a lot of the plot.

Basically its a story about two land that are seperated by a small mountain pass. One side is untied in a war agianst the other. A man who is a minor lord and is commanded from the emperor to join the front lines in the war because his lands are right by the mountain pass seperating the two lands he is thrusted into the war. The sides are divided between the united fronts of the empire lead by a crazed leader in the capital city, a large harbor city that is curupted by polutions and greed. And the crazed zealots of a land (and i can't remeber if everyone on this side or not is) of albino people. The man leads agianst the zealots with weapons of war such as fire cannons and other siege divices. The other man character is a women who is part of the zealots country, she gets (I believe) captured and sold into prostitution at the newly established border town betwen the two countries. There she meets the man who takes her virginity.Later on he ends up falling in love with her and is considered a traitor to his country and is banshed. He ends up helping the zealots who are trying to protect there lands (which I beleave in located in a forest/swamp) He uses his knowledge to help them win aginast the curupt empire and drive them away from the lands.

Thats about as much as i can remember about the first part without rambeling on too much, but if u need and more info I can remember bits and pieces of the other two books.

I thank anyone who can help me in my search.
Dear god man thats the book, i recognize it from the main characters weird first name. I'm eternally grateful. Thank you
No problem. Glad to help.

I read them a few years back but I never realised it was a trilogy. I picked up the first two cheap and read them back to back. I thought they were OK and remember that the second book was set in an interresting take on the industrial revolution with some mean siege and chemical warfare.
What was the third book like?

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