Summer blockbuster time again...

The Master™

Science fiction fantasy
Apr 7, 2004
So, which will you be wanting to rush out and see???

Batman Begins
Kingdom of Heaven (SIR Ridley Scott Directing - I understand)
Fantastic Four
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Tim Burton at the helm)

So, what you looking forward to??? :eek:
the only one remotely interesting would be fantastic four. although only cause i am obsesive compulsive about watching superhero movies:D BTW: i don't consider batman begins to be a superhero movie cause that franchise has been filmed to death! and they've not yet managed to pick a good batman! (christian bale? i ask you stalks off muttering)
Patrick Bateman in a Batman outfit... I can't wait. Too many big films out this summer for me to pick one.
I'll probably end up watching all of those, although I'm not holding out much hope for Batman Begins or Kingdom of Heaven

Also looking forward to
The Island
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
Star Wars 3 :rolleyes:
I will be receiving 5-Star Wars 3 tickets for Opening day @ the midnight showing at the local theater. I've been looking forward to this movie since the last one came out.
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is another one on my list.
I think the first batman was the best. Michael Keaton was very suave, cool. He fit the role.

And the Kingdom of Heaven trailer looks good. I can't get over how crazy that person looks in the full, gilded mask. I just want to stare at it, like a pie in a bakery window.

my pics:
War of the Worlds
Star Wars 3
Batman Begins
Fantastic Four (Jessica Alba, oh baby!)
Hitchhikers Guide
Kingdom of Heaven
I'll go and see Kingdom Of Heaven because I'm a great Gladiator fan, but I'm a bit worried about Orlando and his range. War of the Worlds and Star Wars will also be on my list to see. SW3's trailers look great so far.

Karen :)
Orlando Bloom has "range"??? His acting seems a little one dimensional!!! Seems to re-hash the same type of character... Maybe he needs to get a real job for a few years, mature, then try again!!! ;) In my NOT SO humble opinion!!!

War of the Worlds??? YIKES!!! Steven Spielberg at the helm (so no guns for anyone(?)) and Tom Cruise!!! Well, could be worse I suppose... :D

I didn't mention Star Wars 3, 'cos I thought EVERYONE and his dog would be going to see that... :D I know I'm taking the dog to see it... ;)
The Master™ said:
I didn't mention Star Wars 3, 'cos I thought EVERYONE and his dog would be going to see that... :D I know I'm taking the dog to see it... ;)

he'll probably trot out halfway through in digust and go and pee on the advert outside - now that's film criticism ;)

btw, I hope you've gathered I was referring to the Master's dog... :D
Winters_Sorrow said:
he'll probably trot out halfway through in digust and go and pee on the advert outside - now that's film criticism ;)

btw, I hope you've gathered I was referring to the Master's dog... :D

I have been known to do that too... :D

Besides, the dog might just trot up to the screen and make a "mark"!!! :eek:
The Master™ said:
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Tim Burton at the helm)
I wouldn't want that to be a blockbuster, which is almost by definition a mindless 'cue to the explosions/CGI' trip. I'd like this one to be a quirky experience with the visual panche complimenting rather than overpowering.
The Master™ said:
Not expecting too much from Hollywood, are you??? ;)
Oh I expect absolutely nothing from Hollywood. I actually get pleasantly surprised when I see Hollywood movies which are not entirely technical m*********** mixed with the most horrendously predictable (and shall we also say predictably horrendous ;))cliches of narrative and characters.
Seriously, with the tech expertise and financial muscle they have they could be making great movies in the sci-fi and fantasy genre if they weren't so reliant on 'safe and proven' material and 'let's not make the audience think' attitude.
Because of the wealth of talent in India, they should make sci-fi/fantasy movies to match the US... And true to the authors expectation...

And do another epic, like the Mahabarat (sp?)..
Yes I will be looking forward to seeing Kingdom of Heaven as well ...... altho I don't see Orlando Bloom as very much a gladiator/warrior type. While he did play in Troy, he was certainly the pretty-boy, "keep his hands clean" prince.
The Master™ said:
Because of the wealth of talent in India, they should make sci- fi/fantasy movies to match the US... And true to the authors expectation...

And do another epic, like the Mahabarat (sp?)..

Oh I don't know. When people make films they necessarily have to change the story, combine characters etc. There just isn't the time. The epics of Greece and Rome belong to dead religions. When it's a present time religion it needs to be a long running serial so everything doesn't have to be changed. It's just not practical.
It could be done in a low-budget arts film, which is expected to be controversial, but a blockbuster that everyone sees?
Mind you an epic movie made out of just a snippet of the story. You're right. It is do-able.

Let's begin production!!!
Alia said:
Good one Master!!!

What a kind audience.. :D

Alia said:
Now I have to admit, I liked Orlando Bloom in LOTR, but not in anything since.

Well, let's face it, Elves are supposed to be tall willowy and strange in movement, aspect and word... He fit that down to the ground... But for a lot of the heroes in history, superheroes, etc - there needs to be something more... Take Eric Bana... In the Hulk he wasn't great, but as Hector his was fantastic!!! There should be a certain something, and I don't think Bloom has it, yet... Maybe he needs a bit of a "bad boy" image... Then bulk up a little - like Will Smith!!! ;)

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