THE GATHERING STORM first chapter available


Lemming of Discord
Jun 4, 2006
Chapter 1 of The Gathering Storm has been made available here.

Note that you need to be a member of to read the chapter, but joining the website is free.

The much bigger prologue is also apparently to be made available as an ebook for a small fee, but based on the previous times this was done, it's probably not worth it. Also, the prologue is about 8-10% of the entire book, which reduces the reading value of the book itself, so I'd wait for the novel. Plus online sites will have summaries of the prologue up next week.

Overall, I'd say that Sanderson's writing style is acceptably close to Jordan's without becoming an embarrassing pastiche. It's certainly different to Sanderson's normal writing style. The biggest difference I can tell to Jordan's is that Sanderson is much more plot-focused. There is some character stuff, but he raises and addresses several story points that I suspect Jordan wouldn't have done, or done in a much more verbose manner. The chapter also (apparently) confirms one of my long-held theories:

That the re-sealing of the Bore failed because Lew Therin could only use male channellers. That suggests to me that this time around Rand will need female channellers to aid him, with the risk that if they fail saidin and saidar alike could be tainted.
Hmm... I must say, I'm tempted, but I think I'm going to wait for the book to be released, so that I can read it all at once. I've waited for quite a while to see what happens, so another month won't hurt. (I'll also be trying to avoid spoiler-type threads.;)):)

Although I am interested in seeing how much Sanderson's style differs from that of Jordan's - I had trouble with Jordan's style at first, so this may be easier for me to read. I'm glad The Gathering Storm is more plot focused, though, and I'm looking forward to seeing how he starts to wrap up some of the many different storylines.:)
I read it, and...

Overall, I'd tend to agree with Werthead. From what I have read, Sanderson has done a good job in trying to make his prose fit stylistically without going over the top. And a little less verbosity, and a little (?!) more focus on plot can only be a good thing.

At the same time, it felt weird to read. And that isn't a criticism of Sanderson -- I was impressed with his efforts -- it's just....weird, reading Jordan's work, but not in Jordan's prose. I'm sure that, over the course of three books, I shall get used to it. I'm glad to have the opportunity to read the conclusion to a tale in which, for better or worse, I have invested so much reading time over the years.

It will take a bit of getting used to, is all.

Incidentally, Werthead, I had always assumed that, too, and it was nice to read it.
I shall wait for the book to arrive on the bookshelves, even though we have to wait much longer over here. I'll be keeping away from the 'spoiler' threads too, Talysia!

I hope the difference between Jordan and Sanderson's writing won't make it seem like a different story.
It's been difficult, but I'm managing it!:) I've been told there are some surprises.

I've since found out from Dragonmount that the 2nd chapter has also been released from Tor's website, in the form of an audio chapter.
Good chapter, too. I got the sense that the whole "split tower" plot will finally be resolved in this book.

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