(Found) Looking for book about underground city escape


New Member
Oct 13, 2009
I'm 37 and I'm looking for a book I read when I was younger about a boy who escapes from an underground city to get to the earth's surface by climbing up levels to get there. I can't remember all of the details, but in the end he does reach the surface... I think he travels with a girl companion, and they might have been hunted along the way... I can't really remember the rest, but I can't for the life of me find anything using Google. Thank you!
I'd say it sounds like City of Ember, but that was written in 2003, and is YA. Incarceron would fit, but that's even newer. Poking around the internet I came up with This Time of Darkness, but that's from 2003, too.

it seems to be kind of a common theme lately, but I can't think of anything older.
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Yes, this book would have been written before 1980, I believe. It sounds like a couple other more current books. Thanks!
Found it!!

Initially I thought it might have been The City Under Ground by Suzanne Martel. But on further research, I believe it is This Time of Darkness by H. M. Hoover - won't know for sure until the book gets here. Wow that was a difficult search... Thanks all!

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