setting a wife aside


New Member
Aug 5, 2009
It was stated many times by Cersei that she thought that her husband Robert would on day set her aside and marry a younger woman. But is this even possible? Dont all couples just stay married until one of them dies? I dont remember reading this happening to any woman in the series.:confused:
Not sure,

however the Targs could(or at least the First) marry two women, not one. So that is a possibility. Another possibility is by death. (especially considering she may think Robert might one day find out that the 'royal' children aren't his).
The High Septon would have to dissolve the marriage, which would not have been a problem with the old High Septons (who did what the King told them to). The new one in AFFC, not so much ;)
Given that Renly and Loras were trying to bring Maergery court on the assumption that Robert would open to replacing his queen, it would appear that Cersei wasn't completely paranoid.
I think as the comparisons between Henry VIII and Robert Baratheon were there for all to see, it's not a massive stretch to see the "Anne Boleyn" moment where Cersei is either removed by the High Septon, as stated above, or Robert does what she later did to Margery and line up some false witnesses who say that she slept with someone other than the King. A treasonable act which would have cost her life.

Either way, she was perfectly within her rights to be wary of such a fate. Arguably, the only reason Robert didn't attempt it after many years of unhappy marriage was that a) she was still hot and b) fear of what Lord Tywin would do in response. He was still his most powerful and richest vassal. The Kingdom was probably heavily in debt to House Lannister along with the Iron Bank so any withdrawal of credit could have been disasterous.
Arguably, the only reason Robert didn't attempt it after many years of unhappy marriage was that a) she was still hot and b) fear of what Lord Tywin would do in response.

Isn't there a quote around about Robert's thoughts on the coldness of a certain body part belonging to Cersei? I think any attraction she may have once held for him was long since gone by the beginning of this tale.
I think the whole Tywin thing is the key here. He got himself too far into bed with the Lannisters, and screwed the entire kingdom...
The first problem is that he did not go far enough in bed with Cersei, calling her Lyanna on their first night. You go Robert ~~

He then subsequently went and screwed up the kingdom in his drunken bouts of money-throwing frenzy's.
