(Found) Can anyone help? Short story involving mental maths


New Member
Oct 14, 2009

I'm hoping someone can help me.

About 15 od years
ago, I read a short story about a man who was working in an underclass
(possibly a cleaner, or someone that maintained computers).

went wrong with the computers, and they were no longer able to
calculate flight plans; flight plans were urgently needed due to an
attack by some enemy.

The man was able to 'save the day' as he
had developed a way of performing calculations in his head and/or on
paper. He was the only one in the world that could etc.

For some reason, this story really struck a chord (I was about 13-14 when I read it), and I would love to read it again.

I believe that it was probably written in the 50s, 60s or 70s - I remember it as being an 'old' book.

Any help would be very much appreciated!
Thank you, Knivesout - you're wonderful! :D

That is the story, and from following the links, Nine Tomorrows was the book (the story is also online).

At least I remembered part of the story correctly. :eek:

I find the concept of 'lost arts' interesting - and sad.
Not about that story, but have you ever read a Heinlein novel titled Starman Jones? It was writen before curent computers were even considered and is about a future where hyper-space jumps are made after the command crew of a star ship makes mathmatical calculations. the idea being that if you get it wrong once you could end up in a place with no known reference points and be unable ever to returen...

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