(Found) Been looking for a book on and off for ten years.

Fifth Wit

New Member
Nov 17, 2009
Hey, this has been driving me periodically crazy over the last ten years--maybe someone reading this can help out. As teenagers my brother and I read a sci-fi trilogy and loved it, but can only remember a few details about it. Here they are:

1. Written before 1990 (probably in the eighties).

2. Main female character's name is Samella.

3. Involves a guy, samella, and three other main characters who are being transported from Earth (I think) to another planet, where they are going to be imprisoned for some reason. Their ship crashes on some alien world before making it to their destination.

4. There's some other guy on the ship with them--he's a guard or something, and he get's killed at the end of the first book. Not a nice guy, as I remember it.

5. On the ship they're all in some kind of hypersleep or frozen or something.

6. "Sungun"--the rifle-type energy weapon that is constantly being referred to throughout the series.

7. The three "other main characters" I referred to in number 3 are all from some sort of "gang" back on earth. Two guys and a girl. I believe their kind lived underground, and they had evolved a sort of superior, low light form of eyesight. The two guys were younger than the girl (I think) and were brothers (I think).

8. In book one, on the alien planet there are some kind of sentient trees (again, I'm pretty sure but could be wrong).

9. Earth is the center of an empire, and at some point, probably in the second book, a kind of revolution or civil war begins. The main characters, after escaping from the planet in the first book, become part of the separatist movement.

10. In the third book there is a major battle inside of a rebel base, which is located inside an asteroid (in our solar system, I think). The battle ends when Samella threatens to destroy the asteroid and everyone in it, and the Terran assault forces withdraw.

11. In the end the main character's side is victorious and they all go off to start new lives and live happily ever after.

12. Samella and the guy I mentioned in number three are romantically inclined towards each other.

13. I'm guessing, but don't know for certain, that the books are now out of print.

14. They would probably be categorized as "Juvenile Science Fiction" or "Young Adult Science Fiction."

I know it's kind of vague, but I'd really appreciate any input--an author, title, or even just some other details from someone who read the books but can't remember what they were called. Thanks!
Just ordered the complete set from alibris.com. The set cost me six bucks; shipping was ten. Am I the only one that sees that as an interesting comment on modern life?
Excellent trilogy - "Exiles of Colsec", "The Caves of Klydor" & "Colsec Rebellion"

Check out Douglas Hill's other YA work if you get the chance Fifth Wit. His two-part "Blade of the Poisoner" & "Master of Fiends" was excellent, as was his Wasteland trilogy ("The Huntsman", "Warriors of the Wasteland" & "Alien Citadel")
