Mamatas interviews Pugmire

Thanks for bringing that in, JP. I only now got a chance to actually read the thing... and yes, it sounds very like Wilum in person (at least, according to his vlogs and the little interaction I've had via email). He's an interesting, more than slightly quirky person (he rather amusedly notes that he enjoys being "a bit of a loon"), but his writing is another thing again. But in either case, I would say he is an extremely generous and kind person....

In response to comments made elsewhere here, he sent me a couple of new pieces, "The Tangled Muse" and "In Memoriam: Oscar Wilde". The first is set in his new locale of Gershom, a very strange place which he describes as "this realm of exile and dispossession, this city of wild unrest", and which is showing signs of being as rich as his Sesqua Valley; the latter is a set of prose poems, very fine, very delicate, and a concentrated dose of the sensualism and eeriness, grotesquerie and pathos so notable in his work. I look forward to seeing what he does with this new material when that Centipede Press book comes out (and after)....
It's strange, all of these interviews all of a sudden. I was also interview'd by Jeffrey Thomas, and then a site devoted to Mormon Artists, A Motley Vision, did an interview called Latter-day Saint, Latter-day Lovecraft. One interview that I had gobs of fun with was for The Lovecraft News Network, where I answered the questions live on video. Now if only I could get some flipping book reviews......(actually, my newest book is supposedly to be review'd in Weird Tales this year)...

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