(Found) SF story I can't remember

Jan 18, 2010
story - cant remember
a man is walking through a park and picks up a piece of coloured glass / crystal which proves to have special powers and transports him to another planet. An ideal world on the surface but everyone has come there by same route.
Someone returns in a later 2nd book/ story and finds the palnet very different.
Read originally 30 years ago so not recent!
Did he see a lot of the planet or was it a small part like an island?

There seems to be something similar in the dim dark recesses of my mind.
The first paragraph of your description sounds like 'Transit' by Edmund Cooper.
If it is the one you're after I wasn't aware of a second book...
Thank you so so much - so very grateful - it is Transit - read about 1974- now reunited with old paperback copy- now have to check for a follow up?
10th Planet / Far Sunset ? / Seahorse ?
Be keen to know if you do find a 2nd book leveraging off the first.
I really liked Transit when I read it many, many years ago.
Generally enjoy Coopers' work
