Untitled Story... first edit

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Apr 20, 2007
Well after a week or two I have decided to repost this starting I wrote, as a new edited version I made using TheEndIsNigh and Chris's advice. I had wanted to get some more input for editing before I re-posted it but the last thread has (in my impatient mind) become rather stagnant, so here I am again for another round of critiquing. Grammar and punctuation error sighting is always welcomed warmly, but I also want some critiquing on the overall feel of it and my writing style, because if I master my style and the feel to my writing than I can be more confident when writing any further.

Tadrin of the Ustar adjusted his quiver as he continued along the old hunting trail. He had walked this trail throughout his life, first as a young child guided by his father, and later as a man, hunting various game and animals for the survival of his people.

He paused at the skirts of a clearing of some three hundred yards that swelled around a large section of the path. Checking the wind he made sure it was against his face, insuring that the lone stag on the opposite side of the clearing wasn't aware of his presence. He had been stalking the huge animal for several hours now, following the tracks to this location. Now is the time to finally make the kill, Tadrin decided.

Easing his bow off his should he notched a black-feathered arrow to the string, taking his sights and accounting for the breeze heading towards and to the left of him, he slowly breathed in... and as he calmly exhaled, let loose the tightly bound string. The horn and yew staff of the bow jolted as the pressure keeping it bent was released, the arrow cleanly slicing through the air at a slightly upward angle. The arrow reached a tipping point and descending at high velocity, slamming into the right shoulder of the stag. The beast fell almost instantly, the arrow having glanced off the edge of the shoulder blade and into the heart.

Tadrin eased out of the brush and loped forward to the great beast. He could hardly keep control over his boiling excitement as he gazed on it; the stag was huge with a beautiful silver pelt that would be excellent for coats and blankets, and the meat would be enough to feed the entire clan for at least a week.

Covering the body with brush he began a steady run back to the camp of the Ustar to gather help for carrying the stag back. After two hours he reached the camp. The first man he informed was pleased to the point of almost embracing Tadrin; none in the clan had eaten in four long days.


“Lieutenant Terrance Sholden is to report to the CB immediately” buzzed the loud intercom of the cafeteria. Uttering a curse under his breath, Terry Sholden of the U.E.F ship Kennedy set down his full platter of food and started the half-mile walk to the other end of the ship, where the Control Bay was located.

As he passed by the entrance to the history museum he glanced at the large plastic flier hanging over the entrance: “United Exploration Forces, bringing nations together, and bringing the galaxy to you” was written under the U.E.F lettering's. Terry's mood darkened further. More like 'bringing hell to the naive and wealth to us' he thought to himself. He thought back to the last landing the fleet had made, some 3 years before... the muzzle flash of hundreds of soldiers, the natives of an alien land falling by the thousands...

“No.” he said aloud “This is about profit, not exploration” the Corporations backing the U.E.F had been quite pleased when they found gold and adamantium deposits were quite abundant on the money cow dubbed 'Planet Hades' by the soldiers who had served there...but the planet hadn't been hell, the U.E.F had brought hell to the planet. After traversing through several long halls and using various elevators he finally reached his destination. Terry opened his side pouch, digging through it until he found his U.E.F ID card. He glanced at the face embellished upon it before sliding it through the electronic lock on the Control Bay door.

Instantly a request popped up on the monitor of the captain's assistant 'Terrance Sholden, Lieutenant Enlisted' flashed in large lettering's on the screen, the sound of metal blocks being retracted was heard immediately after the captain signaled to let him in, and the door opened. Terry stepped through and stopped to salute the Captain.

Captain Tiranus Stone was well into his 50s with short cropped black hair streaked with gray. He looked every bit the captain, radiating authority and quiet confidence. He wore, as always, the dark blue outfit of a Starship captain, with his various medals and ranking strips pinned neatly onto the jacket. His broad chiseled face was aimed at Terry and there seemed to be an unnatural gleam in his eye as he started to speak;

“Terrance Sholden...” he started as he looked down at some of the various papers littering his desk

“why is it that you are currently ranked as you are?”

“I don't believe I understand the question, sir” Terry answered uneasily

“It's quite a simple question actually,” the captain snapped “you scored off the charts in the aptitude tests, you have a well known IQ of over 175, and yet.. you were started as a simple private due to a GPA of 1.5 in the academy and after ranking up twice you started refusing all offers and recommendations for anything higher. It seems to me, Terry, that you are either running from responsibility, or simply lack any semblance of ambition..” he paused, his light blue eyes scanning Terry back and forth, seeming to be looking over his soul like just another report to be read “and though I have no idea exactly why you are what you are.. I am very pleased about it”

“I'm not sure I understand sir”

“You know, for a near genius you don't seem to understand much. But that's okay, I just have a very special opportunity for you Terry Sholden, an opportunity to go back home.. for good”

“Earth” Terry managed to whisper before his breath caught in his throat.

“Yes Lieutenant,” the Captain said with a smile, “Earth”
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I dont have much time so you're getting a first impression ;)

I'm not quite sure reading this short piece what I'm supposed to feel. The UEF is presented as something negative, but as the captain is a somewhat "understanding" man, it's not very consistent. This could be my perceptions though :p
The description of the captain is also quite general, maybe you could give him something more in the sense of wrinkles or lines of worry or perhaps a weird, permanent grin, just to give a visual aid in what to think of this man.

For any more I'd need to read more, there's not a lot I can say about Terry just yet apart from that he comes across as a bit of a pessimist, feeling that he's working for the bad guys.

Keep it up and coming :)
I'm afraid grammar and punctuation is what I do; I would not wish my writing style on anyone. So I stick to the nice simple corrections (which you, incidentally require very little of).

Yes, threads do become inactive (and occasionally resurface after amazing lengths of time, long after the original poster has lost interest).

Well after a week or two I have decided to repost this starting I wrote, as a new edited version I made using TheEndIsNigh and Chris's advice. I had wanted to get some more input for editing before I re-posted it but the last thread has (in my impatient mind) become rather stagnant, so here I am again for another round of critiquing. Grammar and punctuation error sighting is always welcomed warmly, but I also want some critiquing on the overall feel of it and my writing style, because if I master my style and the feel to my writing than I can be more confident when writing any further.

Tadrin of the Ustar adjusted his quiver as he continued along the old hunting trail. He had walked this trail throughout his life, first as a young child guided by his father, and later as a man, hunting various game and animals
the animals aren't game?
for the survival of his people.

He paused at the skirts of a clearing of some three hundred yards that swelled around a large section of the path. Checking the wind he made sure it was against his face, insuring that the lone stag on the opposite side of the clearing wasn't aware of his presence. He had been stalking the huge animal for several hours now, following the tracks to this location. Now is the time to finally make the kill, Tadrin decided.

Easing his bow off his should
he notched
quibble I missed last time; check with an archer, but I think it's "nocked"
a black-feathered arrow to the string, taking his sights and
accounting for the breeze heading towards and to the left of him, he slowly breathed in... and as he calmly exhaled, let loose the tightly bound string. The horn and yew staff of the bow jolted as the pressure keeping it bent was released, the arrow cleanly slicing through the air at a slightly upward angle. The arrow reached a tipping point and descending at high velocity, slamming into the right shoulder of the stag. The beast fell almost instantly, the arrow having glanced off the edge of the shoulder blade and into the heart.

Tadrin eased out of the brush and loped forward to the great beast. He could hardly keep control over his boiling excitement as he gazed on it; the stag was huge with a beautiful silver pelt that would be excellent for coats and blankets, and the meat would be enough to feed the entire clan for at least a week.

Covering the body with brush he began a steady run back to the camp of the Ustar to gather help for carrying the stag back. After two hours he reached the camp. The first man he informed was pleased to the point of almost embracing Tadrin; none in the clan had eaten in four long days.


“Lieutenant Terrance Sholden is to report to the CB immediately
” buzzed the loud intercom of the cafeteria. Uttering a curse under his breath, Terry Sholden of the U.E.F ship Kennedy set down his full platter of food and started the half-mile walk to the other end of the ship, where the Control Bay was located.

As he passed by the entrance to the history museum he glanced at the large plastic flier hanging over the entrance: “United Exploration Forces, bringing nations together, and bringing the galaxy to you” was written under the U.E.F lettering's. Terry's mood darkened further. More like 'bringing hell to the naive and wealth to us' he thought to himself. He thought
could you remove the repetition of "thought"?
back to the last landing the fleet had made, some 3
in general, write out "three" rather than using the numeral for small numbers.
years before... the muzzle flash of hundreds of soldiers, the natives of an alien land falling by the thousands...

“No.” he said aloud “This is about profit, not exploration
Full stop, capital "T"
” the Corporations backing the U.E.F had been quite pleased when they
found gold and adamantium deposits were quite abundant on the money cow dubbed 'Planet Hades' by the soldiers who had served there...but the planet hadn't been hell, the U.E.F had brought hell to the planet. After traversing through several long halls and using various elevators he finally reached his destination. Terry opened his side pouch, digging through it until he found his U.E.F ID card. He glanced at the face embellished
I suppose it might embellish it; but it's slightly more likely to be "embossed"
upon it before sliding it through the electronic lock on the Control Bay door.

Instantly a request popped up on the monitor of the captain's assistant 'Terrance Sholden, Lieutenant Enlisted' flashed in large lettering's
You don't need the apostrophe; and I don't really think you need the "s"
on the screen, the sound of metal blocks being retracted was heard immediately after the captain signaled to let him in, and the door opened.
That sentence could be better organised.
Terry stepped through and stopped to salute the Captain.

Captain Tiranus Stone was well into his 50s
with short
perhaps a hyphen here?
cropped black hair streaked with gray. He looked every bit the captain, radiating authority and quiet confidence. He wore, as always, the dark blue outfit of a Starship captain
too many repetitions of "captain"
, with his various medals and ranking strips pinned neatly onto the jacket. His broad chiseled face was aimed at Terry
I'd put a comma there.
and there seemed to be an unnatural gleam in his eye as he started to speak;

“Terrance Sholden...” he started as he looked down at some of the various papers littering his desk

“why is it that you are currently ranked as you are?”

“I don't believe I understand the question, sir” Terry answered uneasily
Full stop
“It's quite a simple question actually,” the captain snapped
full stop and capital"Y"
“you scored off the charts in the aptitude tests, you have a well known
why "well known"? Are they published somewhere?
IQ of over 175, and yet.. you were started as a simple private due to a GPA of 1.5 in the academy and
after ranking up twice
two promotions? Oh, comma.
you started refusing all offers and recommendations for anything higher. It seems to me, Terry, that you are either running from responsibility, or simply lack any semblance of ambition..” he paused, his light blue eyes scanning Terry back and forth, seeming to be looking over his soul like just another report to be read “and though I have no idea exactly why you are what you are.. I am very pleased about it
full stop

“I'm not sure I understand
conventionally, comma
full stop
“You know, for a near genius you don't seem to understand much. But that's okay, I just have a very special opportunity for you
Terry Sholden, an opportunity to go back home.. for good
full stop

“Earth” Terry managed to whisper
before his breath caught in his throat.

“Yes Lieutenant,” the Captain said with a smile, “Earth
Full stop.
Thanks for the help once again Chris, and I don't have many errors in this one because I made this edit using your post, so all credit goes to you in that regard.
Ok, this is my first Critique for a looooooong time, so I'm a tad rusty. Chrispenycate has sorted the punctuation out it would seem, so I'll try and add what I can to help.

I guess some of this could be improved in places with some streamlining - and in others with a bit more exposition, where there's a bit of telling where there could be showing.

Checking the wind he made sure it was against his face, insuring that the lone stag on the opposite side of the clearing wasn't aware of his presence.

I'd show a bit here, eg "He felt the cool breeze on his cheeks" or simply say "Ensuring he was downwind of the stag so it wasn't aware of his presence..."

Insuring should be ensuring, I think.

Easing his bow off his should he notched a black-feathered arrow to the string, taking his sights and accounting for the breeze heading towards and to the left of him, he slowly breathed in... and as he calmly exhaled, let loose the tightly bound string. The horn and yew staff of the bow jolted as the pressure keeping it bent was released, the arrow cleanly slicing through the air at a slightly upward angle. The arrow reached a tipping point and descending at high velocity, slamming into the right shoulder of the stag. The beast fell almost instantly, the arrow having glanced off the edge of the shoulder blade and into the heart.

Notched is fine, but this paragraph reads a little clunkily for me. It's nice to know that Tadrin is adept with a bow, but do we really need to know that he has to aim so expertly? Could he not slowly breath in, let loose and see the beast tumble? I think here might benefit from a little bit of streamlining.

and the meat would be enough to feed the entire clan for at least a week.

Are we talking a huge stag by Earth standards, or something more fantastical? A decent sized deer can feed about 200 people, so if it's big like an elk or moose, you might be lucky to double that. That's 400 meals. So how big's your clan? Might be food for a couple of days, unless the gatherers have rummaged around to find enough berries and root vegetables to bulk up the pot!

After two hours he reached the camp. The first man he informed was pleased to the point of almost embracing Tadrin; none in the clan had eaten in four long days.

Here's where I think a bit more show could come in useful. How does he feel upon reaching the camp? Exhausted? Exhilarated to tell his friends of his kill? what does the camp look like? Is there a lookout or sentry who greets him? And who is the first man he informs? A friend? Why wouldn't he embrace Tadrin in relief/gratitude? Lets see this little conversation, find out about clan life a bit!

found gold and adamantium deposits

I'm pretty sure Adamantium doesn't exist anywhere outside of the Marvel Universe. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but you might want to come up with your own metal/mineral/ore or use one of earth's!

More like 'bringing hell to the naive and wealth to us' he thought to himself.

this is basically repeated here:

but the planet hadn't been hell, the U.E.F had brought hell to the planet.

I'd lose one of the "bringing hells".

And that's all I have to offer. I actually like where this is going and I'm intrigued to keep reading so I'll keep an eye out for the next installment! Hope my comments help a little.
Thanks for the tips Oxman, I'll definitely use yor suggestions next time I revise this. But first I think I'm going to just add to it, I'm thinking about where in the book this chapter should take place... prologue, beginning, middle, or end? I'm leaning toward beginning as this has that sort of feeling probably just because it's the first I've written of this story so far. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I like it as a 'journey' type of story. I think it builds very well.

And adamantium is only a marvel universe metal alloy. You can't use it, legally.

So you don't know where or when this happens? Build your story around it. But don't make it a prologue. I have no idea why everyone keeps writing prologues. Write the story. Keep notes, track them like you were writing a history book.

And, as far as I know, its 'notched'.
No, no, chris is the one who is right, the arrow is "nocked." You put the nock of the arrow at the nocking point. (Trust me on this. My husband is an enthusiastic archer.) You don't "take your sights." Better would be "sighting along the arrow, he ..." or more simply "he took aim." And amidst all this minute description of shooting the bow, the part where he actually draws it is left out.

I wish my husband was here to critique that part, because he might find other problems with it, but he's off at an SCA event.

"Boiling excitement" seemed a bit over-written. Yes, it's food that the clan needs, but he's been doing this forever, and if he hasn't eaten in four days, I doubt he has the energy for such a violent burst of excitement. I think it would be more like a weary satisfaction, possibly tinged with pride in his skill.

And why is there such a shortage of food? This is surely something important enough to mention. And why, with the clan so desperately in need of food is he hunting alone, so that he has to bury the meat and go back to bring help carrying it? Two hours there and two hours back, and that leaves a lot of time for something to dig the meat up.

In the shipboard scene, the captain scans Terry "back and forth" -- just how big is Terry? Those three words suggest that he is looking at something of considerable width. Shouldn't it be "up and down"?
"Adamant" is an old form of the word "diamond", and the suffix "ium" though occasionally used for an ore, generally indicates an element; therefore "adamantium" is carbon…

But I doubt whether any element or simple compound would be worth interstellar transport; if it's not available in asteroids or something, transmuting it would be cheaper. Besides, we've got more gold than we actually need on Earth; it's not that widely used a metal.

More interesting would be specific crystalline forms of minerals, which might quite well be unique to a particular planet, and obviously biologicals, that almost certainly will.

Thank you, princess; I thought I was right, but technical words within a speciality can trip the best of us, and I've never claimed to be that.

'bringing hell to the naive and wealth to us'
Just a question (and hoping that is not just a typo for "native"); who are "naive"? The indigenous population of somewhere 'discovered' by the U.E.F. (as if the natives hadn't already known it was there), or those at home who believe the slogan?

Assuming the concept of "IQ" as something quantifiable hangs on into starfaring times (which I, for one, hope doesn't happen) 150 is generally accepted as the borderline for genius, so 175 is comfortably above it. Thus
You know, for a near genius you don't seem to understand much
is inaccurate on two counts; the guy is genius level, and the officer should have known that this did not guarantee any competence outside his speciality. Just because you might excel in mathematics and music does not make you capable of tying your shoes, or understanding how you've offended your wife (there again, that talent is so rare that only in a science fiction story would it be accepted as a postulate) Indeed, if anything, it renders practical and social talents less probable.
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